Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF)

The Pan American Hockey Federation is pleased to inform all Member National Associations that the Terms of Reference of the PAHF Athletes Committee and Elections Procedure for 2015 are now available at the PAHF website.

This is an important step towards real participation of athletes in sports and the PAHF counts on its NAs to support their athletes to get involved.

The Elections Procedure provides detailed information, and the requirements for candidatures are:

  • Be over 18 years old;
  • Have not incurred any measure or sanction in relation of any violation of the World Anti-Doping or Anti-Corruption Codes and must not have been banned from the game;
  • Be able to communicate effectively in English;
  • Be current or former international Athletes who last played international hockey no longer than 4 years before the date of their nomination

The Electorate will be composed by athletes who have participated in any senior national team at the most recent Pan Am level event (Pan Am Games, Pan Am Cup, Pan Am Challenge, Central American and Caribbean Games, South American Games) will be entitled to a vote. If the respective national team has not participated in one of those events in the last 2 years then the voting rights will go to the members of the team who last competed in an international match. This way, athletes from all countries that have played internationally at least once in the last 4 years, may vote.

The elections will be from 17 of June to 17 of July, 2015 and will be conducted digitally, where every entitled athlete registered properly will receive a link to a PAHF website for voting and be asked to confirm identity to be able to cast a vote.

Further notice shall be given soon regarding Nomination Forms for candidates and detailed voting procedures.

For more information on the PAHF competitions and programs, please visit the Pan American Hockey Federation web site at

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is recognized by the FIH as the governing continental federation for all field hockey in the Pan American region. There are 26 member Nations of the PAHF.  For more information please contact