2010 Men's CAC Games

Netherlands Antilles vs. Jamaica : 0 - 0

This was a hard game with short approaches to the goal line. Netherlands Antilles displayed technical and physical strength while Jamaica showed speed and skills. Both teams reached the rival area, but although it was Jamaica who had the best opportunities to score none of them was able to net to win the match. Netherlands Antilles was very close to score but Jamaica GK and defense invalidated any intend to score.


Barbados vs. Panama : 12 - 0

Very early in the first half Barbados after a number of attacks scored their first goal from a deflection by player #11, Barry CLARKE at minute 8th. The rest of the game was for Barbados who showed an excellent performance and the final result of 12-0 against Panama. It is important to highlight this was Panama’s first participation at an international event same for Geert HUISMAN as an international umpire.


Mexico vs. Dominican Republic : 8 - 0

Mexicans achieved a victory of 8-0 over Dominican Republic in the first day of male competition Even though Dominican players had good opportunities to score during the second half, Mexican team saved two balls very near the line. It is remarkable the fact that Mexicans scored seven times through field goals and only once from a penalty corner. Four goals were by player #15, Francisco AGUILAR MONTOYA. Three by Pol Emmanuel MORENO QUIROZ, #10 and one by Leopoldo RÍOS BENÍTEZ, #2.

Trinidad & Tobago vs. Puerto Rico : 9 - 0

This was the first match for male host team. Trinidad had a good number of chances during the first half but only managed to net twice; first goal very early at  minute 7th and second one at minute 24th, both by player #13, Dwain QUAN CHAN.

Second half was quite different and although local crowd expected a goal from their team they were defeated by Jamaica for 9 a 0.