2016 South American Championship & World League R1 (field hockey) – Chiclayo, Peru – 06 Oct 2016 - Chile vs. Paraguay

All matches are being live-streamed; and a reminder that each match is being played in two 35 minute halves and cannot end in a tie. Please continue to also check the Pan American Hockey Federation’s website for the Women’s competition for photos and post-match interviews and more: http://www.panamhockey.org/en/competitions-54-2016-south-american-championships-women-

On the fourth day of the Women’s Competition, Brazil and Uruguay met; and Chile versus Paraguay

Brazil-Uruguay (0-2)

Under the afternoon sun of Chiclayo, Peru, Brazil and Uruguay met on day 4. Brazil’s Anita Rodriguez was recognized prior to the match for her 50th cap. Uruguay applied attacking pressure early to Brazil. In the 7th minute, Uruguay earned the first penalty corner of the match, but the shot by Milagros Algorta went wide. For the next fifteen minutes of the match Brazil held strong positioning to keep Uruguay passing throughout the midfield and their backfield line. In the 21st minute, Uruguay earned its second penalty corner of the match; and again the shot went just wide of the goal cage. Two minutes later, Brazil’s defense blocked a Uruguay penalty corner before the shot was even taken. With the leadership and strong play of Captain and keeper Andrea Gomes, Brazil’s defense blocked another penalty corner shot by Uruguay in the 26th minute. Uruguay kept up their attacking pressure, but Brazil blocked two more penalty corners for Uruguay; and with Brazil unable to capitalize off an attacking opportunity in the final minutes of the first half, the match remained scoreless at halftime.

Brazil’s reserve keeper Teska Tuijt started the second half. Uruguay was fast to get back into their attacking circle in the second half, earning a penalty corner in the 37th minute. Once again Brazil played very strong team defense to keep Uruguay from capitalizing off the penalty corner opportunity. A few minutes later, Tuijt made two big saves to stop two penalty corner shots by Uruguay. Uruguay had another penalty corner in the 46th minute, but the drag flick shot by Manuela Vilar was above the backboard. Two minutes later, Uruguay had another penalty corner, but Vilar’s shot went wide of the goal. Thus 50 minutes into the match, despite Uruguay’s strong attacking pressure around their attacking circle for most of those minutes, the match remained scoreless.

In the 52nd minute, however, Uruguay’s Matilde Kliche was able to break through Brazil’s defense with the first goal of the match to give her team the lead. Uruguay continued to dominate possession in their attacking half. And Brazil continued to play strong team defense to prevent Uruguay from having another scoring opportunity until the 62nd minute, when Uruguay earned another penalty corner. Brazil’s defense blocked up the penalty corner to prevent Uruguay from increasing their lead; and Algorta had a shot go wide. Tujit then made an incredible stick save to prevent another Uruguay goal. Vilar had another penalty corner flick go over the backboard in the 64th minute to keep the match Brazil 0, Uruguay 1. Brazil successfully held off Uruguay’s attacking pressure until Uruguay had a final opportunity to increase their lead with a penalty corner as time expired. This time Milagros Algorta converted the penalty corner as her flick hit the backboard. Thus, Uruguay came away with the two-nill win over Brazil.

Chile-Paraguay (8-0)

The first match on day 4 was between Chile and Paraguay. In just the first minute of the match, Chile set the tone with a goal by Consuelo de las Heras. Four minutes later, Chile was awarded the first penalty corner of the match. Chile’s Denise Krimerman completed the penalty corner play with a low reverse shot into goal. Despite Chile dominating possession, Paraguay did not let up and earned a penalty corner in the 9th minute. Paraguay could not complete the penalty corner play, but managed to keep play in their attacking half for the next seven minutes of the match. In the 16th minute, Chile earned their second penalty corner of the match, but could not get a shot off.

The crowd kept cheering loudly for both teams. After Chile passed around for a few minutes in their attacking circle, Francisca Tala was able to find the back of the net in the 21st minute to make the score Chile 3, Paraguay 0. Chile kept up their attacking pressure and in the 29th minute Captain Camila Caram scored off a penalty corner with a hard low shot to put her team ahead by four goals over Paraguay. Paraguay did a good job of forcing Chile to keep play in the midfield. Chile’s Francisca Pizarro, however, was able to get a shot right past Paraguay’s keeper Claudia Flores just before time expired in the first half. Thus, the halftime score was Chile 5, Paraguay 0.

Reserve keeper Yasmina Samudio started the second half for Paraguay. Just like the first half, Chile got off to a quick start, as Carolina Garcia scored in the 36th minute to give her team a six goal lead over Paraguay. A couple minutes later, Chile earned the first penalty corner of the second half and Tala completed the play to make the score Chile 7, Paraguay 0. Chile kept looking to score and earned another penalty corner in the 46th minute. With Samudio’s strong stance Paraguay played strong defense to block up Chile’s penalty corner shot. Chile continued to pressure on attack, but Paraguay’s Lilian Acuna, Tania Alfonso and Ivanna Romero Gehrmann played very strong defense.  As a result, Chile had a hard time quickly increasing their lead in the second half; and Paraguay even had a few minutes of possession in their attacking half around the 53rd minute. Chile responded in the 57th minute with a goal by Tala, her third of the match, to make the score Chile 8, Paraguay 0. Samudio then saved a shot by Augustina Venegas. To Paraguay’s credit, Paraguay played very strong team defense in the final ten minutes of the match to keep Chile from winning by more goals, including off a penalty corner in the 68th and final minutes, respectively. Thus, the final score remained Chile 8, Paraguay 0.

The final day of the Women’s Competition will be on Saturday the 8th of October. Please continue to also check the Pan American Hockey Federation’s website for the Women’s competition for photos and post-match interviews and more; as well as awards on the final day of competition: http://www.panamhockey.org/en/competitions-54-2016-south-american-championships-women-