Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF)

To: National Associations


19 July 2015
Toronto, Canada

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I wish to inform you that the PAHF will hold its Ordinary Congress at the Intercontinental Hotel, Toronto, Canada on 19 July 2015 commencing at 09:00 am.

May I bring the following to your attention:

1. Congress

1.1 The Agenda of the Congress is attached. (Appendix 1)

1.2 Each National Association (NA) may have up to 3 delegates in attendance. One delegate must be the Head of Delegation (person entitled to vote) to be named at the opening of the Congress. The Head of Delegation must be a citizen of the country of the NA that he/she represents and accredit nationality by presenting his/her passport.

1.3 A registration form is attached. Please complete the form and return it to the PAHF before 12th July 2015. (Appendix 2)

1.4 There is a proposal to change the statutes of the PAHF to be in compliance with the FIH model of statutes. Also included in the statutes is a proposal to change the composition of the Board but not the number of Board positions. This happens by adding an Athlete Representative to the Board and replacing the Honorary Secretary General with the PAHF Managing Director. Assuming the statutes will be approved as recommended by the PAHF Board of Directors and approved by the FIH, the election will be based on the new statutes. Therefore items 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 below pertain to the elections assuming the proposed statutes are adopted.

The Proposed statutes will be sent to all NA’s as soon as approved by the FIH Executive Board.

1.5 Candidates for election or re-election to any position of the PAHF Board must be nominated by his/her own NA and must be a citizen of that country. Nominations must be submitted in the appropriate form, as described in item 1.7 below.

1.6 Nominations are called for the following positions:
• 6 ordinary members of the PAHF Board, of whom 5 must be female

Nominations, which close at 17:00 hours MST on Tuesday, 16 June 2015, must be sent to the PAHF at and

1.7 Attached are the following:
• A list of outgoing ordinary members of the Board of Directors for general information. (Appendix 3)
• A form that must be completed for each candidate and forwarded with his/her nomination. (Appendix 4)

1.8 Any proposals for alterations to the PAHF Statutes must be sent in writing by email to the PAHF Secretary before Saturday, 6 June 2015.

2. Forum – FIH Hockey Revolution

This year the Forum is focussed on the development of good governance within National Associations. This will be presented by the FIH and is a follow up to the presentations made at the last FIH Congress in 2014.

The Forum will be held on Saturday July 18, 2015.

Further information will be circulated in the course of the coming months.

3. Appointment of Committee Members

3.1 Nominations are called for members of the PAHF Committees as follows:
a) PAHF Competitions Committee
b) PAHF Umpiring Committee
c) PAHF Athletes Committee (from election by the athletes). Further information about this will be sent in separate communications as well related Appendixes.

Please note that, by a decision of the Board, the Media & Communications Committee and the Medical Committee will only have a Chair who will appoint collaborators and advisors from 2015 on.

The Hockey Development Council will not call for any nominations, as it was decided by the Board, that this will become a Sub Committee of the Board, composed by Board members and PAHF consultants.

3.2 Nominations, (Appendix 5) which close at 17:00 hours MST on Saturday, 6 June 2015 must be sent to the PAHF at and

3.3 A list of outgoing members of Competitions and Umpiring Committees are attached. (Appendix 6)

3.4 Please note the following provisions of the Bye-laws in relation to nominations:
• Nominations must be sent to the PAHF attention of the Hon. Secretary
• Nominations must include a brief statement of the nominee’s suitability for the position.
• Each NA must give to the PAHF an undertaking, expressly committing to financially support its nominee(s), so he/she can attend meetings of the Committee to which he/she is appointed
• The Board shall appoint the members of the Committees from the nominations received after screening each nomination and consulting the Chairpersons of the respective Committee to ensure that the nominees are suitable for the Committee to which they have appointed.

4 General Information

4.1 Reservations for Official Hotel:
Attached is the information and a hotel reservation form for your attention. (Appendix 7)

With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Aaron Sher
PAHF Hon. Secretary General