Blair Sheir

In the first match of the 2014 Men’s Indoor Pan American Cup, Argentina and Guyana played. Guyana took an early 1-0 lead in the 2nd minute off a field goal by Captain Devin Munroe. Guyana continued their attacking pressure and earned the first penalty corner of the match. Shane Samuels scored the penalty corner to make the score 2-0. Aroydy Brandford then gave Guyana a three goal lead. Guyana’s keeper Anthony Cole stopped an Argentina penalty stroke, but Argentina kept up their attacking pressure and quickly earned a penalty corner.  Argentina did not let up and Santiago Denucio made the score 3-1 in the 16th minute. Argentina continued their attacking pressure, but Guyana held off a couple more penalty corners. The first half ended 3-1 in favor of Guyana. The second half of the match was more even. Argentina’s Augustin Ceballos made it a two goal difference off a penalty corner in the 29th minute. Guyana countered and went ahead 5-2 off a field goal by Robert France. Argentina continued to pressure on attack, and earned a penalty corner in the final minute of the match. Ceballos scored again to make the final score 5-3 in favor of Guyana.

In the second match, United States and host Uruguay played. Mortiz Runzi gave the United States a one goal lead in the first minute of the match. Both teams continued to battle for possession throughout the first half of the match. The United States was awarded a couple penalty corners, but Uruguay defense blocked the corner plays. The half ended 1-0 in favor of United States. The United States Captain Robert Schilling put in a United States’ penalty corner to make it 2-0 in the 28th minute. Uruguay countered with a penalty corner, but could not convert. Sebastian Scheurer gave the United States a three goal lead in the 34th minute. Uruguay continued to fight for possession, but the United States kept up its attacking momentum. Runzi scored again in the 38th minute that would make the final score 4-0 in favor of United States.

Please stay tuned to for photos, post-match interviews and live updates throughout the tournament April 7th-12th 2014.