Rebecca Kanter, PAHF Communications Officer
The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) will organize a Course for Communications Officers during the 2012 Pan American Junior Championships (Men and Women) that will be held from 10 to 23 of September 2012, in Guadalajara, México.

Course Information:

The Course will be run on Thursday September 13 and Friday September 14, partly in meeting room at the hotel and partly at the venue during matches of the tournament. It is aimed for participants interested to become Communications Officers during hockey competitions, whether for domestic demand or for continental level.  All participants must be approved by their National Associations. Course will be conducted in English. It will be presented by Yan Huckendubler (CAN), PAHF and FIH Communications Officer.

Course Activities:

- Classroom sessions to present the role and responsibilities of a Communications Officer, procedures to run a Press Conference, an overview of the Content Management System (CMS) used to efficiently update the PAHF web site during a competition and other duties related to the position.
- On-site sessions will offer an opportunity to practice: interviewing players, attending a Press Conference and more practical exercises.
- A brain-storming session will also be run to gather ideas on increasing the impact of a web site for hockey fans.

Cost of Participation:

The cost for participation in the Course will be of US$200, which includes: 2 nights of accommodation at the tournament Hotel Misión Carlton Guadalajara ( in Double Room, breakfast, dinner with PAHF Committee members on Thursday, local transportation to and from the venue on Friday, the right to attend the course and a certificate of participation issued by the PAHF. For those who will not be staying at Hotel Misión Carlton, course fee is US$50.

Meals are not included, but will be available at the Hotel Misión Carlton Guadalajara for US$9.50 per person. Other options are also available at the surrounding area. Participants must also take care of their own transport arrangements to and from Airport upon arrival and departure (estimate fare is US$25).

Room reservations and payment arrangements shall be dealt with the Accommodations Coordinator for the event, Mrs. Maria Elena Celedon at


Interested participants must request inscription by sending the FORM OF REQUEST attached (one per person) completed in their totality and signed by the applicant and by the National Hockey Association, to BEFORE DEADLINE FOR INSCRIPTIONS: 25 of August of 2012.


Our Best Regards,

Yan Huckendubler
PAHF Media & Communications Committee
AND Julio Neves
PAHF Project Coordinator