PAHF Technical Officials Course  (Fee USD$80)
Friday November 22:  6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Saturday November 23:  9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Course Conductor - Willard Harris 

FHC Technical Officials Course (Fee USD$50)
Saturday November 23: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Course Conductor Derek Sandison

PAHF/FHC Technical Officials Supplemental Course  (Fee USD$30)
Sunday November 24:
9:30 am – 10:45 am Indoor Module – Course Conductor Derek Sandison
11:00 am – 1:30 pm On-Line Tournament Management System (TMS) – Course Conductor Hari Kant

Anyone interested in becoming a technical official (Judge, Technical Officer or Tournament Director)
PAHF: Anyone who has completed the FHC Technical Officials Course and has been an active technical official in the last 2 years.
Indoor Module: Anyone who has completed the FHC Technical Officials Course

On-Line Tournament Management System: Participants must have completed either the PAHF or FHC courses.

*There will be a pre course assignment that must be completed prior to the course. All participants must bring a laptop to the course.

University of Toronto (downtown Toronto)
(full details provided upon registration)

To register: e-mail

Send a cheque or money order in $US or $CDN dollars payable to:

Field Hockey Canada
Mail to: Field Hockey Canada, c/o Ann Doggett, 76 Glendale Ave, Toronto, ON, M6R 2T1, Canada


Registration will close on November 17, 2013.