2011 PAHF Pan American Challenge (Femenino)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Deodoro Hockey Complex

Paraguay v Uruguay


# Fase Hora Partidos Resultado Tiempo Match Sheet
3 August 2011
W5 Round-Robin 10:00 Paraguay PAR - URU Uruguay 0 - 5 (0 - 2) Final      

Match Report

El primer partido del día 3 del Pan Am Challenge 2011 fue entre Paraguay y Uruguay. Paraguay todavía buscaba un triunfo en el torneo. Uruguay marcó temprano a través de Bettina BOCA con un gol proveniente de una jugada de campo. Uruguay continuó dominando el juego y la posesión, aunque, la defensa paraguaya se mantuvo fuerte para evitar que Uruguay marcara de una cantidad de corners cortos.  Uruguay persistió y se colocó 2- 0 con un gol de jugada de campo de Lucia DE MARIA. Mientras que Uruguay continuó dominando la posesión, Paraguay evitó que ampliaran el marcador, por lo que el primer tiempo terminó 2- 0 a favor de Uruguay.


Uruguay continuó dominando el juego y la posesión en el segundo tiempo, y finalmente marcó un corner corto (por Karina BISIGNANO) en el minuto 41. Aunque Paraguay se abocó a evitar que Uruguay ampliara la diferencia, no resistió la presión ofensiva. Uruguay anotó dos veces más de corner corto a través de DE MARIA y BISIGNANO respectivamente, para terminar 5-0 por encima de Paraguay.




Uruguay’s Coach Gonzalo FERRER

On the match…

We played well and very pro-active. We played like we wanted to play. Paraguay, however, has improved a lot and played well. We are always trying to improve and work hard. We have many young players that we are still working into our system.

Uruguay’s Lucia DE MARIA

On the match…

It was a really good match for us. We played like we knew how to play. We increased the number of times we entered our offensive area and we were able to produce a lot of goals because of it and also took advantage of penalty corners. And we played like a team all sixteen of us together.


Paraguay’s Coach Jose SILVA

On the match…

Uruguay controlled the whole match. We always have respect for Uruguay, especially given how they performed in the South American Games. However, I am proud of my girls. And of course we made many mistakes that we need to fix.

On what Paraguay needs to improve…

We need to improve our attitude. We also need to improve our physical fitness, especially when I believe ‘modern hockey’ is about 80 percent about fitness.


Paraguay’s Maria RUIZ DIAZ ALVAREZ

On the match…

We had some good positioning, but we also had bad luck and spent a lot of time on defense. We need to play better. And like Coach said we also need to improve our physical fitness.

BRA v GUY (Round-Robin) GUY v BER (Round-Robin)