Pan American Hockey Federation
Nominations for the Board and Committees

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TO: PAHF Member Countries
cc. Board of Directors, Committee Chairs

FROM: Sue Neill, Hon. Secretary General

DATE: Friday December 19, 2008

RE: Nominations for the Board and Committees

National Associations are invited to submit nominations for positions on the Board of Directors and Committees of the Pan American Hockey Federation as follows:

Board of Directors

  1. Officers

    Nominations are requested for the positions of:

    • President
    • Honorary Treasurer

    These positions will be vacant because the terms of Tony Von Ondarza (Ven) as President and Derek Sandison (Can) as Hon. Treasurer will expire at the end of the Congress in Santiago. Both are eligible for re-election.

  2. Ordinary Members of the Board

    Nominations are requested to fill three (3) positions of Ordinary Members on the Board of Directors. These positions are left vacant by Board Members whose terms will expire in 2009.

    Those members whose terms will expire are: Bev Johnson (USA) and Rene Granat (Ven). These members are eligible for re-election. There is also one position which remains vacant following the departure of Eduardo Guelfand (Arg).

PAHF Committees

National Associations are invited to submit nominations for members of the following Committees:

  • Events and Competitions
  • Development and Coaching
  • Umpiring
  • Media and Communications
  • Medical

Please ensure that those nominated have sufficient experience to make a significant contribution to the work of the Committee.

Committee membership, including the Chair and Secretary, will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Nomination Process

All nominations for both the Board positions and the Committees must be submitted on the attached nomination form.

Nominations for positions on the Board of Directors and Committees must reach the Hon. Secretary General by Wednesday January 14, 2009.

Nominations should be submitted by email to Sue Neill at with a copy to Laura Macchiotti at

The PAHF is not in a position to provide financial support to Ordinary Board members and Committee members. NAs should be prepared to assist their nominees to attend meetings.

For further information on Board and Committee membership, please refer to the PAHF website @

Thank you.

Nomination form