The Pan American Cups were planned to take place from January 20 – 30. To comply with FIH window.

Host Nation Chile expected to have the new stadium finished by October 2021 and run the event at the new venue. When Chile NA was notified that new date to finish the stadium was December 2021 and assessed the risk of waiting for the new facilities they found this would be extremely risky.  The decision was made to move the Event to the Prince of Wales Country Club.

But as ODESUR Masters Games announced their event on the same dates (20-30 January) and blocked the use of Prince of Wales, not only for hockey but for other sports and dates became an issue, therefore host Chile requested to change dates to 13-23 January. 

At that time, our participant countries expressed their concern of moving the event to an earlier date, as they considered that even one more week at the beginning of the year, may improve timing in receiving the funds for teams expenses plus the more expensive airfares in early January they had to face, but there were no other options.

On October 14th, we received an official note that the ODESUR Masters Games have been suspended, so PAHF Board decided to go back to the first planned dates, January 19-30th 2022, to help participating countries with their timeline to get funding and the advantage of better airfares.

Please see new dates for Congress and Important dates in the attached document as follows:

Summary of Important Dates

November 03, 2021

Last date for proposals of alterations to the Statutes.

19 November 2021

Closing date of nominations for President and Ordinary members of the PAHF Board

19 November 2021

Closing date of nominations for Competitions and Umpiring Committees

December 03, 2021

Items for Agenda

29 December 2021

Nominations of Delegates to Congress

19-30 January 2022

Pan American Cups

28 January 2022 8:00 am

PAHF Congress