2009 - Chris Waters is awarded the PAHF Order of Merit by then President of the PAHF, Tony von Ondarza

Hockey has lost a dedicated friend and volunteer who loved the game and worked tirelessly to develop and promote hockey in the Americas. 

Chris Waters passed away peacefully on August 19, 2021 at the age of 88.  Chris began playing hockey as young boy in London, England. Upon moving to the US in 1964, he joined Team USA to win a bronze medal at the first Pan Am Games in Winnipeg in 1967.  He went on to become an active volunteer in the United States Field Hockey Association and then in the Pan American Hockey Association (PAHF).

Chris served in many roles in the PAHF – as a Member of the Board, as the Treasurer and as a Member and then Chair of the Competitions Committee.  He also served as the Editor of the PAHF Hockey News for nine years.   Chris will be remembered for his good humour and his persistence in ensuring that scheduled competitions actually took place during a period of development when competitions were often cancelled or postponed.

Chris also represented the PAHF on the Competitions Committee of the FIH and in 2004, was awarded the FIH Diploma of Merit for his efforts in developing and managing hockey competitions in the Americas.  In 2009, at the Junior World Cup in Boston, Chris was awarded the PAHF Order of Merit by then President of the PAHF, Tony von Ondarza.

Chris is survived by his wife of 57 years, Lynn, his three daughters – Amanda, Melissa and Carey and his six grandchildren. 

He will be fondly remembered by his hockey friends and colleagues throughout the world and especially in the Americas.