Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF)

The PAHF has announced details of its biennial Forum to be held on Tuesday October 25, 2011 in Guatalajara, Mexico at 2:00 pm following the Congress.

The title of the Forum is "Increasing Financial Resources for Hockey" which is in support of the PAHF Strategic Priority of increasing human and financial resources for hockey.

The topics and presenters are as follows:

  • Maureen Craig-Rousseau,   PAHF Vice President (Trinidad and Tobago) - Chair
  • Derek Sandison, Hon. Treasurer, PAHF, and Chair, PAHF Sponsorship Committee - Keys to Attracting Sponsors to Hockey
  • Aaron Sher, PAHF Vice President (USA) - Role of New Media in Attracting Sponsor
  • Esteban Geyger , President Chilean Hockey Federation - Hockey Sponsorship in Chile - a Case Study

Following the presentations there will be a question and answer period. There will be simultaneous interpretation in english and spanish.