Chile vs. Canada

An exciting second day was lived on the field of the PWCC, venue of the Junior Pan American 2021 in Santiago Chile. 

With three games in total - one for women and two for men - they were accompanied by a sunny day on the second day of the Junior Pan American Championships.


Women: Chile v USA (1-2)
Detailed match info and pictures: click here

Las Diablas could not win against the Americans.

The initial whistle was given at noon with pool B, in a meeting that filled the stands of the club, because it was the locals, las Diablas, who faced the United States squad. 

The difference in the scoreboard did not take long to arrive, because in the first minute of the game, the United States scored the first goal to give an advantage in the result, which was by the player Laura Wadas. 

The game of both teams was marked by the pressure in both squads and several penalty corners, which in the case of Chile, was the key to generate the difference on the scoreboard with the first goal scored by the player Amanda Martínez in the 12th minute of the first quarter of the game. 

Despite the several opportunities for a penalty corner and arrivals to the goal, throughout the game, las Diablas could not prevail on the scoreboard, and it was the United States that consolidated their triumph in the 18th minute with the second goal by the player Sofia Southam.


Men: Mexico v Brazil (6-1)
Detailed match info and pictures: click here

In their second consecutive day of matches, the men of Mexico and Brazil met after their respective defeats that they suffered this Saturday against Canada and Chile respectively.

With a game that maintained the intensity during the 60 'minutes, the first quarter was the Mexican squad that managed to take advantage in the 7 minute with a goal play by Alexander Sandoval, a triumph that lasted a few minutes, as tied for the Verdeamarelos in the 13th minute after the penalty corner to Brazil and executed by Matheus Oliveira.

The surprise, at the end of the second quarter, was given by André Benedith, who 40 seconds before going to the halftime, managed to give Mexico a 2-1 lead.

In the second half, Mexico continued accumulate celebrations on the pitch, with Alexander Sandoval who yelled at 37 'the 3-1 and Jorge Estrada at 49' who was in charge of the 4-1 over Brazil, both after taking a penalty corner.

The fifth goal was in minute 55 ’the captain of the young Mexicans, Erick Hernández, who celebrated the fifth goal.

Dragged by the pitch, the sixth goal that Mexico made was, for the third time, Alexander Sandoval.

The next matches of Mexico and Brazil are scheduled for Tuesday. Where the Verdeamarelos will face Canada and Mexico will meet the house owners, “Los Diablos”.


Men: Chile v Canada (3-1)
Detailed match info and pictures: click here

The whole grandstand that was seen during the morning, was repeated in the closing game this Sunday at the PWCC accompanied by family, friends and hockey fans, “Los Diablos” faced Canada winning 3-1.

The excitement for the local fans and for Los Diablos did not take long to arrive, because under the guidance of their captain Andres Pizarro, the Chileans scored 1-0 in the 7th minute with a penalty corner.

The partial tie would materialize in the 39th minute thanks to the player Jagpreet Singh, leaving the match 1-1.

At the end of the third quarter, with barely three seconds left, Chile achieved a penalty corner in their favor and with it, the player Nils Strabucchi broke the match in favor of the nationals 2-1.

The party in Chile was unleashed for the locals after the departure of the Canadian goalkeeper, in the 60th minute and with a very fast arrival alone to the Canadian goal, the player José Hurtado sealed the score, leaving 3-1 the game for Los Diablos.


On Tuesday during the fourth day of Junior Pan American - and after a rest day on Monday - Chile will face Mexico and Canada will face Brazil.