The Olympic Committee of Panama (COP) informed its country after a meeting held this morning with the Vice Minister of the Presidency, the Vice Minister of Economy and Finance, the Director of “PANDEPORTES”, among other administrative authorities, that the National Government has decided to withdraw from the organization of the XXIV Central American and Caribbean Games.


On the other hand, the Central American and Caribbean Sports Organization (CACSO) expressed its surprise and announced that they will seek solutions to carry out this event in an alternative place


"For CACSO, health comes first, and we have always been in contact with the Organizing Committee to find ways to solve the games and allow Panama to guarantee the health of its population," said Luis Mejia Oviedo, President of CACSO and IOC member.


Despite this, the president of CACSO reported that this organization will continue with the organization of the 2022 Games. The Executive Committee will meet on Saturday, July 25, to discuss the issue and start looking for alternatives and solutions.