Guyana Hockey Board

The Guyana Hockey Board has benefitted from a donation of hockey equipment consisting of 400 sticks and 165 balls from the Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF).  The PAHF has been making great progress in the development of new hockey nations in recent years, particularly in the Central American region, and it is efforts like these that also serve the purpose of assisting traditional hockey nations in the region to upkeep their development programs and spread the game locally.

According to President of the Guyana Hockey Board (GHB), Philip Fernandes, the equipment will be put to use immediately to support some of the clubs’ and schools’ programs to support the GHB’s developmental efforts.  In recent years, the GHB had implemented an annual Smalta/Icool Under-14 competition for girls and boys which has resulted in a marked increase in the number of young people playing the sport.

The GHB intends to conduct a coaching program during the second quarter of 2019 for Physical Education teachers and former players from outlying areas where hockey was played back in the 1970s and 1980s.  Some of these resources would then be made available to the schools in the area where these new coaches can develop teams.