TO: PAHF Member Countries

FROM: Alberto “Coco” Budeisky, PAHF Competition Committee - Chair

DATE: May 15, 2010

RE: 2011 Pan American Games Qualifying Procedure – Revision May 15, 2010

Please note that this memo contains the final version of the qualification procedures for the 2011 Pan American Games and differs slightly from an earlier version.

Qualification Procedure

It is recognized that all countries in the Pan American Hockey Federation should have the opportunity to qualify for the Pan American Games through a regional tournament held during the two years immediately preceeding the Pan American Games year.

While the VII South American Championships 2010 and the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games 2010 will provide this opportunity for most countries, there is no opportunity for countries from North America (Canada and USA).

Taking the above premise into consideration, the following is the official qualification procedure for the men's and women's hockey tournaments at the XVI Pan American Games to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico in October 2011:

1. Host country (Mexico).

2. The first and second placed countries at the VII South American Championships (Argentina and Chile, men and women).

3. The first and second placed countries at the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games 2010 (as long as a minimum of four countries participate). In case Mexico finishes first or second, then the third placed country will qualify.

4. The next two countries not already qualified under paragraphs 1 - 3 above, based on final rankings at the III Pan American Cup 2009.

5. The eighth country will be selected under paragraph 6 after the conclusion of the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games 2010

a. Women’s Competition
There will be a playoff for the eighth position in the women’s Pan American Games competition involving the next placed team in the 2009 Pan American Cup, Cuba and possibly Canada.

Because Cuba will not participate in the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games 2010, they will play a three match series against the team that would have qualified as the eighth country based on the 2009 Pan American Cup rankings at the home of that

However, in the event that Canada does not qualify under the procedures of paragraph 1-4 above, they will also participate in the play off competition. The form, manner and site will be determined by PAHF immediately after the finish of the XXI Central American and
Caribbean Games 2010.

All costs for participating in the play off competitions are to be borne by the respective National Associations. The PAHF will be responsible for covering the cost of neutral officials for this competition.

b. Men’s Competition
In order to fill the eighth position in the men’s Pan American Games competition, Cuba will play a three match series against the men’s country that would have qualified as the eighth country in accordance with Paragraph 4 above at the home of that country.

All costs for participating in the play off competitions are to be borne by the respective National Associations. The PAHF will be responsible for covering the cost of neutral officials for this competition.

Note: If there are less than four participants in the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games 2010, only the first place will qualify. However if the first place team is Mexico, then the second placed team will also qualify.