FIH Hockey Series Open (women) - Brazil vs. Uruguay

PAR 3-0 BOL (PAR 1-0 BOL)


After three days of competition, the women of Paraguay were looking for their second win; and Bolivia were looking for their first win of the Hockey Open Series 2018; as well as their first goal. Paraguay earned the first penalty corner of the match in the fourth minute, but were unable to get a shot off and Bolivia regained possession. Bolivia’s Angie SANCHEZ and Mireyza CRUZ played strong defense throughout the first quarter to keep Paraguay from having many scoring opportunities. Paraguay’s next best scoring opportunity came in the 11th minute off another penalty corner, but SANCHEZ prevented Paraguay’s Nicole van JARRSVELD from pushing a shot in from the goal post. Bolivia kept possession of the ball for the rest of the first quarter, but unable to enter their attacking circle the first quarter ended PAR 0-0 BOL.

Bolivia continued their attacking intensity and immediately earned their first penalty corner of the match to start the second quarter, but Paraguay’s defense quickly prevented Bolivia from getting a shot off. Paraguay earned two penalty corners in the first five minutes of the second quarter; Bolivia’s keeper Karen SANTOS blocked the first and the second went wide. After a continued battle for possession in the midfield, Paraguay earned another penalty corner in the 27th minute. This time van JARRSVELD was able to capitalize off her position by the goal post to give her team the lead.

One minute into the third quarter, Paraguay’s Naomi VERA quickly increased Paraguay’s lead over Bolivia. Paraguay nearly scored again in the 19th minute, but the shot went just wide of the goal. Bolivia’s Romina PARDO and Daniela CARBALLO looked to counter on attack, but were unable to capitalize; and Paraguay battled back on attack. In the 24th minute, Paraguay had two more penalty corners, with the second shot going high above the goal cage to keep the score PAR 2-0 BOL. CARBALLO looked to attack again at the end of the third quarter, but Paraguay kept their two goal lead going into the fourth quarter.

Paraguay immediately earned a penalty corner to start the fourth quarter. SANTOS made another big save and Bolivia continued to try to maintain possession in their attacking half. Play continued in the midfield until Paraguay earned another penalty corner in the 51st minute, again SANTOS came up with the save to keep the score PAR 2-0 BOL. Paraguay’s persistence on attacked paid off when Agustina SANCHEZ pushed the ball into the back of the net to make the score PAR 3-0 BOL in the 54th minute that remained the final score.


BRA 0-4 URU (BRA 0-2 URU)


Uruguay looked to continue its domination in the competition against Brazil; earning the first penalty corner of the match in the opening minutes, but could not get a shot off. Throughout the most of the first quarter Brazil maintained good positioning to keep Uruguay from penetrating their attacking circle, despite dominating possession. Uruguay earned their second penalty corner of the match in the 12th minute and Manuela VILAR flicked a beautiful shot into goal to give her team the lead. With another penalty corner, Uruguay looked to increase their lead before the second quarter, but Brazil played strong team defense to keep the score BRA 0-1 URU at the end of the first quarter.

Brazil kept up their strong defensive positioning to start the second quarter, but Uruguay managed to earn another penalty corner in the 20th minute. Brazi’s keeper Teska TUIJT made the save to keep the score BRA 0-1 URU. Uruguay continued to pressure on attack and VILAR scored again this time by pushing the ball past TUIJT to give her team a two goal lead in the 23rd minute. For the rest of the second quarter, play remained in Uruguay’s attacking half. With Uruguay unable to convert a penalty corner with no time remaining in the second quarter, the score remained BRA 0-2 URU at halftime.

Vilar kept up her hot hand to start the third quarter and lifted in another shot past TUIJT in the 34th minute to make it BRA 0-3 URU. Midway through the third quarter Brazil had their first possession of the quarter near their attacking circle, but could not get a shot off. Brazil played strong defense for the rest of the third quarter to preventing Uruguay from sound shot opportunities; and keeping the score BRA 0-3 URU going into the fourth quarter. Despite being down three goals, Brazil started the fourth quarter with a renewed intensity; and had their best opportunity to score of a shot in the 52nd minute saved by Uruguay’s defense. Brazil held Uruguay without a scoring opportunity until Uruguay’s first penalty corner of the the fourth quarter in the 54th minute. Soon after, Uruguay replaced their keeper with a kicking back. Uruguay’s extra offense pressure paid off in the 56th minute off a hard shot by Agustina Taborda to give her team a four goal lead over Brazil. Thus, behind Vilar’s hat trick, Uruguay came away with the four goal win over Brazil.


CHI 8-0 PER (CHI 2-0 PER)


On day four of the Hockey Open Series 2018, the Peruvian women were looking for both their first goal and first win in the competition; that would be a challenge against host Chile who have yet to loose. Both Chile and Peru were able to penetrate their attacking circles in the opening minutes of the match. During the first 8 minutes, Chile earned the first three penalty corners of the match, but Peru’s defense, with big saves by keeper Chiara CONETTA, kept the match scoreless. Peru continued to play incredibly strong defense to prevent Chile from capitalizing off their offensive pressure. With a few minutes remaining in the first quarter, the host crowd got loud, but CONETTA quieted the crowd with a couple more big saves to end the quarter CHI 0-0 PER.

As Chile persisted on attack to start the second quarter, Peru continued to play incredible defense. Chile’s attacking determination paid off in the 22nd minute when Kim JACOB received the ball towards the top of the circle and sent the ball with a long hard push past CONETTA to break the match open. Peru, however, continued to play tough defense; preventing another goal by Chile until the 29th minute when Maria Jose MALDONADO had a shot similar to that of JACOB to make the score CHI 2-0 PER at halftime.

For much of the third quarter, it looked like Peru’s defense was going to prevent Chile from scoring further, despite many attacking opportunities. That was not to be the case, however, as Chile’s Agustina SOLANA and Josefa SALAS scored back-to-back goals in the final minutes of the third quarter; making the score CHI 4-0 PER going into the fourth quarter. Chile continued their scoring intensity right into the fourth quarter as Carolina GARCIA beat a diving CONETTA in the first minutes of the fourth quarter to make the score CHI 5-0 PER. Also like the third quarter, Chile was able to find the back of the net in the final minutes of the fourth quarter. Chile’s Paula VALDIVIA scored for the first time; and MALDONADO, and SALAS both scored again in the 58th minute; and quickly made the score CHI 8-0 PER that remained the final score.