Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF)

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is pleased to invite your National Association (NA) to participate in the bidding process for hosting the events from 2019 to 2022.

You may choose MORE THAN ONE EVENT PER FORM. Nevertheless, you may complete ONLY ONE FORM PER HOST CITY. For each filled out form sent, you will receive a copy in the email you will type at the bottom of this page. You must print it, sign it and send a digital file along attached to a cover Letter of Interest of your NA and supporting material to .

The PAHF will receive completed Bid Forms before June 30, 2018.

A Commission that will make pertinent recommendations to the PAHF Board will review the forms and supporting documents. The results of this process will be announced by September of 2018.

For queries and/or clarifications please contact Laura Macchiotti, at .

The PAHF is looking forward to receiving your bid!