Alberto 'Coco' Budeisky, of Argentina, was re-elected as president of the Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) for the period 2017-2021 at the General Assembly held at Spooky Nook, Lancaster, United States, the same place the Pan American Cups are being held.
Budeisky, who took over the post in 2013 replacing Tony von Ondarza, pledged to continue working for the growth of hockey in the region. The PAHF Congress was attended by delegates from 24 countries.
It was also approved the incorporation of Mary Cicinelli (CAN) as the new PAHF treasurer replacing the efforts of fellow Canadian Derek Sandison. The Congress approved the incorporation of Bree Gillespie (USA), Ann Doggett (CAN), Walter Kramer (CHI), Héctor Motta-Ríos (PUR) and Bernardo Picardo Trejos (CRC) as new ordinary members.
The meeting was attended by the Executive Director of the International Hockey Federation (FIH), Jason McCracken, who explained the Hockey Revolution program that is already being applied in many countries and that will present some changes in the next edition of the World League and Hockey Pro League.
Finally, the PAHF Athletes Committee was approved, which will now be represented by Felipe Montegu (CHI), and Katie Bam (O'Donnell) (USA), Rossana Passelle (URU) and Mark Pearson (CAN).