The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) Board of Directors and all committees held successful meetings in Kingston Jamaica on May 14-16, 2010. The meetings hosted by the Jamaican Hockey Association allowed the PAHF President, Secretary General and Treasurer as well as other members of PAHF committees to meet with the Minister of Sport of Jamaica, the Jamaican Olympic Committee, the Jamaica Hockey Association and several hockey persons from Jamaica.

Victor Tomlinson (JHF President), Antonio Von Ondarzo (PAHF President) and Hon. Olivia Babsy Grange (Minister of Sports, Jamaica) Derek Sandison (PAHF Treasurer), Major General Stuart Saunders (Chief of Defense, Jamaica Defense Force), Sue Neill (PAHF General Secretary),<BR>Victor Tomlinson (JHF President) and Lt. Col. Geofrey Roper (Commanding Officer of the JDF Air Wing & JHF Board Director)

Decisions of the Board were:

  • The Board adopted the strategic plan 2010-2014. The Board acknowledged the reports of the PAHF committees and measured the progress of various projects against the objectives of the PAHF.
  • The Board approved the hosting of the first Pan Am Challenge tournament – this is part of the new recently approved two tiered Pan Am Cup series which replaces the existing Pan American Cups. The host of the first event is expected to be known before the end of the year.
  • The Board approved the withdrawal policy for PAHF events and also revised the qualification criteria for the 2011 Pan American Games.
  • The Board acknowledged significant improvement in the development of International umpires in the Americas and the plan set in place are starting to see results.
  • The Board was very satisfied with the reports from the Junior Pan Am events – good participation and well hosted tournaments gave the youth of the Pan Americas a chance to compete in International events.
  • In an effort to have more frequent contact amongst PAHF, the Board agreed to have more frequent meetings via tele–conference and where possible, to also use new technologies like webinars and video conference calls.

PAHF President’s Awards were given to Kay Wilson of Jamaica, long-time stalwart of Jamaican hockey and Michael Fennell, the President of the Jamaican Olympic Committee and the President of the Commonwealth Games Federation.

President`s Award for Kay Wilson (Jamaica) President`s Award for Mike Fennell (Jamaica)

The next in person meetings will the PAHF Planning Group meeting to be held in conjunction with the FIH Women’s World Cup in Rosario, Argentina in September 2010 and the PAHF Congress to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico in conjunction with the Pan American Games in October 2011.

2010 PAHF Board & Committees Meetings - Kingston, Jamaica


For more information, please visit the Pan American Hockey Federation web site.

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is recognized by the FIH as the governing continental federation for all field hockey in the Pan American region. There are 26 member Nations of the PAHF. For more information please contact