Coaching program in Jamaica

The JHF will be conducting a series of Coaching Programs in Jamaica from February 3 - 22, 2011, led by Guillermo Fonseca (FIH Coach Grade 1). This initiative is a part of the Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) strategic action to improve the quality of hockey in the Americas and aligns perfectly with the JHF's quest to improve the quality and capacity of local coaches.

The main objectives of this joint PAHF/JHF Coaching Programme are to:

  1. Assess the standard of Jamaican hockey and propose actions to improve the national standard;
  2. Assist GC Foster College with the teaching of hockey;
  3. Run seminars for high school coaches so that they can better prepare their students;
  4. Run seminars for club coaches;
  5. Prepare as many coaches as possible to Level I and II standards.