Match #1 ARG vs URU

Argentina started the match at a high intensity, earning a penalty corner within the first 2 minutes of the game. Gorzelany’s misflick was easily defended by the Uruguay defense. Shortly after, a left side attack led to a cross by Jankunas deflected wide by Jardel Mateos. Uruguay struggled to maintain possession with Argentina’s aggressive high press and turned over the ball regularly. They conceded another penalty corner, but this time the injection was poor and Uruguay again cleared the danger. Jardel Mateos then hit a reverse stick shot wide after some good lifted skill to evade three defenders. Then in the 13th minute a quick attack led to a circle penetration by the lively Granatto forcing the defenders and goalkeeper Sanchez into a goal mouth tackle. The loose ball fell to Sanguinetti who made no mistake from a few yards out slotting the ball into the net. Argentina’s persistent pressure paid off when their third penalty corner of the half was flicked past Sanchez’s right by Gorzelany for a 2-0 lead in the 22ndminute. Uruguay did not give up and an opportunity to press higher up the field started to lead to Argentina turnovers and some tame attacks. Argentina continued to attack, though, and Granatto had a powerful reverse stick shot hit the upright and another penalty corner effort was blocked and the rebound hit wide just before halftime.

Uruguay started the second half with high energy and were able to push Argentina back to their defensive 25-yard line. Agustina Prattes did well with the ball, but her final pass was poor. Mateos was again involved with some lifted skill, but Uruguay’s defense held firm. After another mis-played Argentina PC, Uruguay counter attacked quickly only for the final pass to an unmarked forward to be again, poor. Uruguay pressed more aggressively forcing turnovers of their own. Their hard work led to their first shot in the 48th minute easily saved by GK. Uruguay defended resolutely, demonstrating good strong tackling. Their fighting spirit was exemplified by Agustino Domingo, who limped off of the field injured before returning, still visibly limping. Despite their brave defending and strong goalkeeping they still conceded a third goal in the 70th minute when a low penalty corner flick by Sofia Toccalino beat Sanchez to her left. That was the last piece of action in the game for a final score of 3-0 to Argentina.

Match #2 CHI vs BAR

Chile started the stronger of the teams, forcing Barbados deep into their defensive 25-yard area early. Chile earned their first PC in the 6th minute that was well defended. Chile continued to push forward with a shot hitting the upright in the 8th minute. One minute later, Denise Krimerman swept a powerful PC goal past 15-year old goalkeeper Alleyne. Salas then showed good skill on the right wing to cross to Jacob who shot wide. Chile continued to force turnovers and earned a couple of PCs. The second was scored by Villagran to give Chile a 2-0 lead that they took into the halftime break.

Barbados looked more organised and purposeful in the second half and they created a few opportunities that were well defended by Chile. After weathering the early pressure Chile reasserted their dominance with a well taken goal by Krimerman in the 44th minute. De las Heras scored another in the 54th minute with a well struck shot. Barbados continued to push forward and were rewarded with a PC and forced a goal line save with the resulting shot. Chile again re-established their dominance and Valdivia took advantage of some tired legs to score from a goal mouth scramble in the 65th minute. Krimerman scored her 3rd in the 67th from a PC variation and Maldonado finished the scoring 2 minutes later tapping in a PC rebound. The final buzzer sounded a minute later to end a strong 7-0 victory for Chile.

Match #3 CAN vs MEX

 Canada came out the stronger, pressing aggressively. They forced turnovers, but their circle penetrations came to nothing. Mexico started to settle, but still had to make many tackles in their defensive 25-yard area. Canada started to spread the field more, creating room for Cole on the left and Randhawa on the right to make strong runs into the circle, but good tackling kept them out. Oviedo then made a good run into the Canadian circle, but her weak shot was blocked by a defender and cleared. Canada’s superior possession and pressure finally gave them the lead when their second PC in the 26th minute was scored by Dearmond. The shot deflected off of a defender’s stick on the way to the left corner of the goal. Canada continued to press aggressively, leading to Randhawa getting a green card in the 32nd minute. Mexico did not take advantage, instead allowing Canada to keep possession and play for the interception. No additional goals were scored and the halftime score was 1-0 to Canada.

Second started off similarly to the first and Canada’s early pressure led to a Randhawa reverse stick shot that flashed wide of the goal. CAN #17 earned PC. Deflected by Houle off of the crossbar. Inguanzo was then called in to save another Canada PC low to her stick side. Mexico put together some strong individual runs by Rosainz and Rivera in particular, but Canada held firm allowing no circle penetrations. Cookson attacking on the right baseline this time earned Canada the first of two quick PCs. The second led to a quick counter attack, but with a 2 vs. 1 situation Estrada failed to find her teammate who was free in the circle. Then in the 56th minute, after some nice build up play, Canada worked the ball to Pereira on the right wing who attacked the baseline and slipped the ball across for Stirling to slap into the goal. Canada had their tails up, creating an opportunity for Cole who shot wide. Then in the 60th minute Dearmond swept past Inguanzo’s left for her second PC goal. Canada earned another PC in the 64th minute but a great reflex save by a defender led to a long corner. From the restart Dearmond took advantage of a disorganised defense to dribble into the circle for a free reverse stick shot nicely placed into the left corner of the goal. Canada earned one more PC as the clock ran out, but Angus shot wide to end the game. Canada come away 4-0 winners.

Match #4 USA vs TTO

 TTO came out with high energy, spurred on by a vocal home crowd. USA balanced it well with good energy of their own. USA were the stronger team, dominating the possession and territorial game, but TTO continued to make strong tackles to deny clear goal scoring opportunities. Julianna Tornetta and Woods combined well to earn the USA’s first PC which earned a second in the 13th minute. The second was scored by Julianna Tornetta on a rebound. One minute later Major doubled the lead with a tap in after more good work by Woods. A minute later USA scored a third when Matson shot powerfully through GK Escayg’s legs. USA’s 3rd PC brought a good save from substitute GK Smith and Woods shot wide from the rebound. USA’s 4th PC led to a deflected goal by Major in the 28th minute and continuing their trend of conceding quickly gave up a fifth after an unfortunate slip by Lee led to a 2-v-1 against Smith for a simple tap in by Woods. USA finished the first half strongly forcing Smith to stand tall to make a double save on her last post.

 The second half started similarly as the first with an even flow to the game. Matson earned a green card for an over exuberant tackle on TTO skipper Brathwaite. Then after a brief period of midfield exchanges USA added a 6thgoal through a dominant Vitesse. TTO seemed to be resisting the trend of conceding in bunches when Hoffman added a 7th via a PC flick in the 48th minute. Two minutes later another USA PC flick from Hurff crashed off of the right upright. USA upped their intensity employing a very aggressive press, pushing the TTO team right back to their circle. Sophia Tornetta, Woods, Vitesse and Hoffman all made strong runs at the TTO defense. The pressure eventually led to another PC that was well saved by Smith. A PC in the 57th minute led to a Moyer tap in of the rebound. A PC in the 65th minute led to a Matson variation tap in at the near post. Two minutes later a poorly defended sideline restart gave Hoffman all the time in the world to shoot and the resulting rebound was tapped in by Major. USA continued to press hard, but sisters Savannah and Shania de Freitas worked well to prevent further goals. Final score USA 10-0.