Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF)

PAHF News Release

2011 PAHF Board Meeting

The Pan American Hockey Federation will hold a Board meeting in Lima, Peru on February 18-20, 2011.  This will be the first of two PAHF Board meetings in 2011.    Following the successful meetings in recent years of the PAHF in Panama and Jamaica, where hockey was stimulated after the visits to the nations, one of the main objectives of the meeting is to meet with the leadership of the Peru Hockey Federation and to raise the profile of hockey in Peru.

Other topics on the agenda will be:

  • To review reports on the preparations for the upcoming Pan American Games in Guadalajara in October
  • To prepare for the PAHF Congress which will be held in conjunction with the Pan American Games that will include necessary revisions to the PAHF Statutes.
  • To review the PAHF Strategic Plan
  • To discuss the PAHF competition schedule to 2014 and hear of preparations for events in 2011.
  • To review a proposal for a new PAHF Accreditation program for coaches. 
  • To plan for implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the PAHF and the FIH.