2009 Pan American Cup - Canada

Pan American Cup & Pan American Challenge

The PAHF recognizes:

  •  Differences in playing levels between the top playing National Associations and the remaining National Associations,
  •  The inability of some National Associations to gain entry into the Pan American Cup due to Current Qualification System,
  •  The increase in membership of National Associations,
  •  The lack of interest displayed by some National Associations, and
  •  The current economic situation and hardship felt by all National Associations.

The PAHF, believes that a tiered system identifies and separates the top hockey playing National Associations from those that are developing and emerging.  Tournaments will be more competitive and attractive to spectators and potential sponsors.

This tiered system will assist in bridging the gap between National Associations, make the events more competitive, involve more National Associations, as well as encourage and attract new members without putting additional financial strain on the National Associations.

The PAHF has agreed that the Pan American Cup in its current format be modified to a two tier system as follows:

Tier I: Pan American Cup (Men & Women):

The Pan American Cup will retain its format of an eight (8) nation tournament. The nations participating in this event will be eligible to qualify for the FIH World Cup and FIH World Cup Qualifiers.

Qualification for Pan American Cup 2013:

In an effort to be fair to all National Associations interested in participating in this top tier event, the PAHF Competitions Committee propose to grant automatic placement to the top six (6) nations from the 2009 Pan American Cups as follows:


  1. Canada
  2. U.S.A.
  3. Argentina
  4. Chile
  5. Trinidad & Tobago
  6. Mexico


  1. Argentina
  2. U.S.A.
  3. Chile
  4. Trinidad & Tobago
  5. Canada
  6. Mexico

The remaining positions will be filled by the top two (2) nations from a new competition called the Pan American Challenge to be held ideally in 2011 or at latest 2012.

Tier II:
Pan American Challenge (Men & Women)

This tournament will be open to all National Associations seeking qualification to the Pan American Cup. Two Nations from each of the Men’s and Women’s Divisions will qualify.

The nations placing 7th and 8th at the previous Pan American Cup will join the other nations taking entry for the Pan American Challenge. For seeding purposes, nations shall be ranked according to the PAHF Internal Outdoor Rankings.

Depending on the  number of entries received from National Associations by the stated deadline, the format of this Pan American Challenge will be determined by the PAHF Competitions Committee and the PAHF Board.

Ongoing Promotion & Relegation:

The two top placed nations from the Pan American Challenge will be promoted to participate in the next Pan American Cup.

The nations placing 7th and 8th in the Pan American Cup will be relegated and receive automatic placement in the next Pan American Challenge.

Host of Pan American Cup and Challenge:

Only Nations that qualify for a particular event may bid to host it, unless the PAHF decides otherwise.

The PAHF  will encourage non-traditional countries to submit bids to host these events provided they possess the infrastructure and organizational skill to host tournaments of this nature.