During the recent Pan American Games in Toronto, Field Hockey Canada completed the First Class of their Hall of Fame: Patrick Burrows, Sharon Creelman, Nancy Mollenhauer, Marina van der Merwe and Sue Neill were recognized in a ceremony held at The Hart House in the University of Toronto, on July 18, 2015. This five hockey celebrities joined Dr. Harry Warren, Sumesh Putra and Paul “Bubli” Chohan, already inducted in October 2014.
The Pan American Hockey Federation and the International Hockey Federation were represented by Coco Budeisky and Kelly Fairweather, respectively PAHF President and FIH CEO. They were both very delighted by the invitation and participation at the event.
The PAHF congratulates the all those inducted and applauds this admirable initiative of the FHC in creating this way of recognition in their institution.
More information: Field Hockey Canada Hall of Fame