Awards Finals

The II Central American Indoor Hockey Tournament closed today at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Tegucigalpa. The champions were Panama and Guatemala at women and men’s competition respectively.

After three days of competition and 24 disputed matches among men and women’s teams, the II Central American Indoor Hockey Tournament ended today at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Panama in the women’s competition and Guatemala in the men’s competition became champions of the tournament.

The closing and medal ceremony was led by Laura Macchiotti, PAHF Event Coordinator, the Rector of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, venue where the tournament was held, the Honduran Olympic Committee Representative,  and the President of the Honduran Hockey Federation, Lic. Norín Palencia.

  “On behalf of the Pan American Hockey Federation, I want to thank Honduras for hosting this Tournament, this prestigious university, the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, the Honduran Hockey Federation, and to all participant countries for their great economic effort in order to compete here, we know the difficulties they have to face and the low funds they count upon.

We would also want to thank Alicia Takeda as Tournament Director and Soledad Iaparraguirre as Umpire Manager, for their contribution in facilitating their courses.

A great recognition to you all, it was worth the effort. The progress and growth of the teams year after year, is noticeable. A special recognition goes to Honduras for participating in this Tournament for the first time. We would like to thank the Argentinean Hockey Confederation (CAH) who under PAHF’s initiative, sponsored Honduras.

 We, from our Federation, encourage more experienced countries to sponsor those nations that are developing in the sports,” said Laura Macchiotti.

On August 19, the Argentinean Hockey Confederation (CAH) handed material and developing equipment to promote hockey in Honduras.  

Mario Galliano, CAH Secretary presented the material to Dimas Escobar, Economic Counselor of the Honduran Embassy in Argentina.

Alberto Budeisky, President of PAHF, and Laura Macchiotti, PAHF Event Coordinator led the event. During the delivery, Alberto Budeisky emphasized the good predisposition shown by CAH and encouraged other countries to follow this example to support and promote the sport in countries where the access to equipment is very difficult.

  “Thanks to each and all of you, because what happened here in five days, is a great legacy for all of us regarding sports, and the acquisition of knowledge to implement when time comes to organize tournaments in your own country.

We, PAHF, hope to see you again in the following edition next year, and in 2017 at the Central American Games in Managua,” said PAHF Event Coordinator, Laura Macchiotti.