Alicia Takeda, designated as Tournament Director of The II Indoor Hockey held in Honduras by PAHF, highlighted the attendance of the Technical Officials to the course conducted by her before the opening of the tournament.
“We started the course two days ahead of the opening of the tournament. Seven people participated, although only five officiated in the tournament in Honduras. Others came because they play different roles within their National Team. Our goal is to help them carry on developing the sport when they go back home, using and transferring the knowledge acquired here in this course”, said Alicia.
With Japanese descent but pure Mexican strain, Alicia Takeda, along her 47 years, has been linked to hockey in all possible ways.
As a player, she was part of the Mexican Hockey National Team. She exchanges stories with Soledad Iparraguirre remembering the times she officiated as an International Umpire. She has been head of her National Association for a long time.
She started her career as an Official for international competitions in 2007, having officiated in several tournaments as Director.
“As Official, Judge or Director, I can’t say which tournament was best. What I appreciate is traveling to a country and meeting those you have worked with and shared a tournament a long time ago.
Sometime later, after returning home, I’ll remember anecdotes and good and bad times we went through in the tournament, as everything has to run smoothly.” commented Alicia Takeda, assigned Director of the II Central American Tournament in Honduras.
Participants of the Technical Officials Course we: Michael Huezo Ramírez from El Salvador, Oscar Jiménez from Guatemala, William Leandro from Costa Rica, Edna Nuñez from Honduras, Yaremmy Polanco from Panama, Hans Higuero from Honduras and David Eguizabal from Guatemala.
Axel Muñoz Peña from Mexico, designated Tournament Technical Officer, is the highest authority during the matches.