With the Completion of the Pan American Games 2015 in Toronto, Canada, the Pan American Hockey Federation is happy to publicly release the information regarding the composition of the Board of Directors and Committees, with mandate until 2017, when the next Congress will be held in Lancaster, USA. 

The PAHF Congress 2015 approved new statutes, 100% in line with FIH and the new membership fees (also in line with FIH). Haiti was accepted as full member, and Bolivia and Nicaragua accepted as provisional members (they will become full members once ratified at the next FIH Congress in 2016). The Congress 2015 also elected 5 female ordinary members and 1 male ordinary member, named:
- Mary Cicinelli, Canada – elected for a term of 4 years
- Maureen Craig-Rousseau, Trinidad & Tobago – elected for a term of 4 years
- Zuleika Seijas, Venezuela – elected for a term of 4 years
- Sandra Isola, Argentina – elected for a term of 2 years
- Danae Andrada, Uruguay – elected for a term of 2 years
- Gianni Delucchi, Peru – elected for a term of 4 years

Apart from the elected, the remainder of the Board of Directors is composed by:
- President – Alberto “Coco” Budeisky, Argentina
- Honorary Treasurer – Derek Sandison, Canada
- Athletes’ Representative – Scott Sandison, Canada
- Managing Director – Julio F Neves, PAHF Staff
- Ordinary member - Walter Kramer, Chile (mandate until 2017)
- Ordinary member – Hector Motta Rios, Puerto Rico (mandate until 2017)

The new composition of PAHF Committees were approved subsequently, by the new Board of Directors, as indicated below:

Appointments Committee:
- Chair – Laura Pigretti, Argentina
- Secretary – Laura Macchiotti, (PAHF staff)
- Members: Sumensh Putra, Canada – Cameron Burke, Barbados – Valerie Hall, Jamaica – Roque Viegas, United States

Competitions Committee:
- Chair – Willard Harris, Trinidad & Tobago
- Secretary – Rene Zelkin, United States (also member of the FIH CC)
- Members: Ann Doggett, Canada – David Ruiz Sessarego, Peru – Nigel Traverso, United States – Thiago de Mattos, Brazil – Reyah Richardson, Trinidad & Tobago.
- Sub-committee members, Working Group: Alicia Takeda, Mexico – Guillermo Stakemann, Cuba – Victor Tomlinson, Jamaica – Liliana Capurro, Argentina.

Umpiring Committee:
- Chair – Roger St. Rose, Trinidad & Tobago
- Secretary – Soledad Iparraguirre, Argentina
- Members: Gus Soteriades, Unitd States – Lurah Hess, United States – Wendy Stewart, Canada
- Working Group collaborators: Alejandro Shön, Paraguay – Hans Martin Schäfer, Chile

Media & Communications will be led by Yan Huckendubler, from Canada.

Medical area will be led by Dr. Virgil René Best, from Barbados.

Development will be lead by Laura Macchiotti (PAHF staff) supervised by  Walter Kramer, Chile.

Finally, the PAHF considered the Athletes elections highly successful with rate of participation of around 50% of more than 500 eligible voters.

The Athletes Committee composition is:
- Chair – Scott Sandison, Canada
- Secretary – Julio F Neves (PAHF staff)
- Elected members (4 years mandate): Ana Macarena Rodriguez, Argentina – Keli Smith-Puzo, United States – Yoandy Blanco, Cuba – Kwandwane Browne, Trinidad & Tobago.
- Appointed member (2 years mandate): Tricia Fiedtkou, Guyana - Pablo Kuhlenthal, Chile

New PAHF Board

New PAHF Board
Standing: Gianni Deluicchi, Peru; Sandra Isola, Argentina; Zuleika Seijas, Venezuela; Walter Kramer, Chile;
Maureen Craig-Rousseau, Trinidad & Tobago;Hector Motta Rios, Puerto Rico.
Seating: Mary Cicinelli, Canada; Derek Sandison, Canada, Treasurer; Alberto "Coco" Budeisky, President;
Julio Neves, Managing Director;Danae Andrada Barrios, Uruguay.


For information on the PAHF competitions and programs, please visit the Pan American Hockey Federation web site at www.panamhockey.org.

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is recognized by the FIH as the governing continental federation for all field hockey in the Pan American region. There are 27 member Nations of the PAHF. For more information, please contact info@panamhockey.org.

With the Completion of the Pan American Games 2015 in Toronto, Canada, the Pan American Hockey Federation is happy to publicly release the information regarding the composition of the Board of Directors and Committees, with mandate until 2017, when the next Congress will be held – in Lancaster, USA.

The PAHF Congress 2015 approved new statutes, 100% in line with FIH and the new membership fees (also in line with FIH). Haiti was accepted as full member, and Bolivia and Nicaragua accepted as provisional members (they will become full members once ratified at the next FIH Congress in 2016). The Congress 2015 also elected 5 female ordinary members and 1 male ordinary member, named:

Mary Cicinelli, Canada – elected for a term of 4 years

Maureen Craig-Rousseau, Trinidad & Tobago – elected for a term of 4 years

Zuleika Seijas, Venezuela – elected for a term of 4 years

Sandra Isola, Argentina – elected for a term of 2 years

Danae Andrada, Uruguay – elected for a term of 2 years

Gianni Delucchi, Peru – elected for a term of 4 years

Apart from the elected, the remainder of the Board of Directors is composed by:

President – Alberto “Coco” Budeisky, Argentina

Honorary Treasurer – Derek Sandison, Canada

Athletes’ Representative – Scott Sandison, Canada

Managing Director – Julio F Neves, Brazil

Ordinary member - Walter Kramer, Chile (mandate until 2017)