Sue Neill (Canada) presenting at the Forum

PAHF News Release

The PAHF and its members were well-represented at the FIH Congress and Forum held in Montreux, Switzerland during the week of November 8 - 14, 2010.

Following are some examples:


- President of the PAHF Tony von Ondarza was made an FIH Member of Honor for his longstanding contribution to hockey;

- PAHF Vice President and Communications Committee Chair Aaron Sher (USA) was awarded the FIH Order of Merit for his contribution over many years including in the areas of hosting and communications

- Argentinean SuperStar Luciana Aymar was named FIH Women's Player of the Year for an unprecedented 7th time

- the Argentinean Hockey Confederation was awarded the Pablo Negre Trophy for its contribution to hockey over the last two years


Elections and Appointments

- Pam Stuper (USA), member of the Board of USA Field Hockey and hockey coach at Yale was elected to the FIH Executive Board

- Willard Harris (Trinidad and Tobago) was appointed as Chair of  FIH Appointments Committee; Horacio Servetto (Argentina) was re-appointed as a member of FIH Appointments Committee

- Janet Ellis (Canada) was appointed as Chair FIH Rules Committee (formerly known as the Hockey Rules Board) ; Eric Donegani (Canada) was appointed to the FIH Rules Committee

- Coco Budeisky (Argentina) was re-appointed as member of FIH Competitions Committee

- Roger St Rose (Trinidad and Tobago) and Horacio Servetto (Argentina) were re-appointed as member of the FIH Umpiring Committee

- George Bennett (Barbados) and Eduardo Guelfand (Argentina) were re-appointed to FIH Judicial Commission

- Magadalena Aicega (Argentina) was re-appointed as member of the FIH Athletes Committee


Forum Contributors

- Alan Waterman (Canada) was once again co-MC of Forum and other Ceremonies

- Sue Neill (Canada), FIH Executive Board member was a presenter at the Forum on FIH Strategic Priority #5 Strengthening Governance and Co-ordination Structures


FIH/PAHF Memorandum of Understanding

As a demonstration of the increasing role of Continental Federations in the development of hockey worldwide, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) were signed between the FIH and each of the Continental Federations.  MOUs outlined general roles and responsibilities as well as specific objectives and actions to be undertaken by each CF.  Signing on behalf of the PAHF was President Tony von Ondarza and witnessed by Hon. Secretary General Sue Neill.  Signing for the FIH was President Leandro Negre and witnessed by CEO, Kelly Fairweather.


PAHF Countries present at the Congress and participating in an informal PAHF meeting - Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Guatemala,  Trinidad and Tobago, USA, Venezuela