2015 Pan American Games - Canada vs. Argentina

On a perfectly clear day, day two of the women’s competition got underway. Both Chile and the United States were looking for another win in Pool B; while Canada and Argentina were looking for another win in Pool A. The day featured both of these match-ups.


Host Canada played Argentina. The first six minutes of the match, Canada held most of the possession, but Argentina’s defense prevented any Canadian player from taking a shot. In the sixth minute, Argentina was in their attacking circle for the first time and immediately earned three penalty corners. After Canada’s Karli Johansen and Danielle Hennig worked hard to break up the first two corners, Argentina’s Noel Barrionuevo converted the third with her signature drag flick. Thus, Argentina took the 1-0 lead over Canada in the 8th minute. Canada regained possession, but again could not get the ball into their attacking circle. Argentina’s Delfina Merino had the ball near Argentina’s attacking goal, but the ball went off the end line. With play in the midfield the first quarter came to a close with Argentina up one goal over Canada.

Throughout the beginning of the second quarter Canada worked hard to go on attack. Brienne Stairs, Hannah Haughn and Natalie Sourisseau each had runs on attack for Canada, but could not find the back of the net. In the 20th minute, Argentina earned another penalty corner. Canada’s keeper Kaitlyn Williams made the quick save. Argentina kept up their attacking pressure. On Argentina’s next penalty corner Julia Gomes Fantasia hit a hard shot past Williams to put her team ahead by two goals in the 24th minute. Canada rushed back on attack and nearly scored off their first penalty corner. Argentina’s keeper Belen Succi, however, made a high glove save to keep Canada off the scoreboard. In the 28th minute, after a Canada player broke early on a penalty corner, Argentina’s Florencia Habif took advantage of the penalty corner situation to fire a rocket past Williams. In the final minute, Canada’s defense prevented Argentina from taking another shot on goal to keep the score Canada 0, Argentina 3.

To start the third quarter, Agustina Albertarrio quickly ran down on attack and forced a penalty corner. Barrionuevo’s shot went wide. Argentina quickly earned another penalty corner, but uncharacteristically the initial injection went far down the pitch. Canada found Haughn waiting near Canada’s attacking goal, but the ball slipped over the endline. Both teams kept battling for possession in the midfield. Argentina had a quick break on attack and Delfina Merino had a hard shot on goal. Keeper Kaitlyn Williams came out to make the save and Albertarrio was waiting close by and put in Merino’s initial shot in the 38th minute. Soon after, play was back down near Canada’s attacking circle, but a Maddie Secco shot went wide.  For the remaining minutes of the third quarter, either team was unable to string together more than three consecutive passes. The scored remained Canada 0, 4 Argentina.

The first five minutes of the fourth quarter started quiet with play in the midfield, but Merino changed that with a hard shot in the 51st minute to give her team a five goal lead over Canada. Argentina continued to hold the majority of possession. Jimena Cedres nearly increased Argentina’s lead, but Williams reached high with her glove to stop the shot. With Argentina unable to get another shot off, the final result remained Canada 0, Argentina 5.

In Pool A, Mexico and the Dominican Republic played. Both teams appeared evenly matched at the start. Dominican Republic had a shot in the second minute, but keeper Jesus Castillo was there for the save. A few minutes later, Mexico earned the first penalty corner of the match. Michel Navarro got a high shot of that was brilliantly saved by keeper Cindy De La Rosa for the Dominican Republic. Both teams continued to trade possession until the Dominican Republic earned three penalty corners late in the first quarter, but could not capitalize. With a last minute shot attempt going wide for Mexico, the match remained scoreless going into the second quarter. The second quarter featured more play in Mexico’s attacking half. Mexico, however, had trouble getting past Dominican Republic’s defense. Mexico’s  Ana Juarez received a yellow card in the 24th minute. The Dominican Republic immediately went on attack and took advantage as Cecilia Oflaherti sent a hard ball past Castillo. Oflaherti’s goal gave Dominican Republic the 1-0 lead over Mexico in the 26th minute. Still a man down from the yellow card, Mexico managed to earn a penalty corner in the 28th minute, but could not complete the play. Thus, the score at halftime was Mexico 0, 1 Dominican Republic.

For the first four minutes of the third quarter, Mexico dominated possession that ultimately resulted in a penalty corner for Mexico. Jessica Sanchez hit a hard shot to tie the match 1-1. A minute later, the Dominican Republic had a chance to re-take the lead with a penalty corner, but the shot was too high. For the rest of the third quarter, Mexico and the Dominican Republic traded possession in the midfield. The further quarter also started with Mexico dominating possession. Michel Navarro and Fernanda Oveida both lost the ball off their attacking end line. Oveida then had a shot blocked by De La Rosa in the 50th minute. Mexico continued to pressure on attack, but had a couple more shots go wide. Oveida had another shot in the 55th minute blocked by De La Rosa. The Dominican Republic had a flurry of attack in the final minute, but could not get a shot off before time expired and the match ended in a 1-1 draw.


Uruguay and Cuba played a Pool B match. In the opening seconds, Uruguay earned a penalty corner, but failed to capitalize. Uruguay kept up their attacking pressure and a few minutes later earned a couple more penalty corners that were again broken up by Cuba’s defense. Cuba’s keeper Heidy Gonzalez blocked a close shot by Manuela Vilar in the 8th minute. Uruguay continued to pressure hard on attack and then Constanza Barrandeguy was able to score in the 10th minute. For the rest of the first quarter, Uruguay continued to dominate possession, but Cuba continued to play solid defense to keep Uruguay mostly in the midfield. The first quarter ended Uruguay 1, Cuba nill. The second quarter began with Cuba on attack. Yunia Milanes, Sunaylis Nikle and Marisbel Sierra all tried to attack for Cuba, but Federika Kempner and Agustina Nieto broke up their plays. In the 22nd minute, Yuraima Vera Rojas, however, hit a hard shot into goal to tie the match.  Both teams continued to try to attack and Uruguay earned another penalty corner in the 29th minute. Vilar’s shot bounced into goal to regain her team the lead to close the half with the score Uruguay 2, Cuba 1.

The third quarter started in an exciting fashion as Cuba’s Yaniuska Paso hit a hard penalty corner shot in the 32nd minute to tie the match 2-2. Cuba’s Captain Mileysi Argentel played good offense and defense to help keep play in the midfield. After coming back from a green card, Florencia Norbis had a good chance to score off a penalty corner play, but could not finish. Cuba then countered with a penalty corner, but the shot went wide. Both teams continued to battle throughout the third quarter, but with either able to break the tie the third quarter ended tied. The fourth quarter started with Uruguay pressuring on attack and Norbis found Anastasia Olave for the score that broke the tie in the 47th minute Uruguay then had a few penalty corner plays blocked by Cuba’s keeper Heidy Gonzalez. Late in the match, Sierra had a rare attacking possession for Cuba in the fourth quarter, but could not get a shot on goal. With either team unable to score in the final minutes, Uruguay came away with the 3-2 victory over Cuba.  


Day two of the women’s competition began with Chile and the United States. In the opening minutes, the United States had a couple shots blocked by Chile’s keeper Claudia Schuler. Soon after, the United States earned the first penalty corner of the match, but Rachel Dawson’s shot was blocked by the Chilean defense. The United States continued to apply attacking pressure to result in another penalty corner. This time Jill Witmer completed the penalty corner play to make the score United States 1, Chile nill in the 7th minute.  After a lot of passing by the United States around their attacking half, Paige Selenski found an opening to send a hard shot past Schuler in the 13th minute. Chile immediately ran back on attack and earned their first penalty corners of the match. Chile’s Captain Camila Caram had two hard penalty corner shots blocked by the United States defense; keeping the score United States 2, Chile nill at the end of the first quarter. To start the second quarter, Chile’s Sofia Walbaum and Camila Caram played strong defense to hold off the United States attack. Chile continued to play incredibly strong defense and Francisca Vidaurre had a breakaway on attack for Chile, but could not get a shot off. Chile had more possession in the second quarter, but often it was Walbaum and Camila Caram passing in their defensive end. With either team able to hold possession for any length of time, the score remained United States 2, Chile 0.

The third quarter started with Chile’s Manuel Urroz and Carolina Garcia running on attack, but Daniela Caram just missed a good shot. Urroz kept fighting on attack, but the United State’s Dawson  sent the ball back down to the United States attacking end. Schuler made a couple big saves to keep the United States from increasing their lead. Then it was Agustina Venegas and Francisca Tala trying to generate attack for Chile, but still having trouble getting past United States last line of defense led by United States Captain Lauren Crandall. Like the second quarter, both teams were unable to hold possession long enough to stay on attack. In the 42nd minute, the United States earned a couple penalty corners, but the first shot was blocked by Schuler and the second went wide. Both teams continued to battle for possession and play was mosltt in the midfield for the next 10 minutes. In the 53rd minute, Chile earned a penalty corner, but Briggs stopped the shot. Chile’s Javiera Villagra had one of Chile’s best scoring opportunities, but just missed the ball standing by the goal post. Chile’s Josefa Villalabeitia and Garcia kept working the ball near the goal. Their hard work resulted in two penalty corners, but again Briggs was there to break them up. The United States earned a penalty corner in the final minute, but Schuler made the save to prevent the United States from scoring another goal. Thus the final score was Chile 0, United States 2.



With Argentina’s dominating win over Canada, Argentina took the top spot in Pool A. Argentina also became the team with the most goals in the tournament thus far (14), behind three goals each from Agustina Albertarrio, Noel Barrionuevo and Delfina Merino thus far. Canada is still right behind Argentina with goals scored (12). Day two also featured Uruguay’s first win of the tournament, while Mexico and Cuba are still looking for their first win.

Please check back at http://www.panamhockey.org/en/competitions-40-2015-pan-american-games-women- for score updates, pictures, interviews, and more throughout the competition.