The II Central America Indoor Cup will take place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, from September 11th to September 13th. Besides the event, technical and umpiring courses will be run.
PAHF made the pre tournament visit in early June to assist with the organization of this important event. The second edition of this cup will have the representation of women's and men's national teams of Honduras , Costa Rica , Guatemala , El Salvador , Panama, and Ecuador men's team as a special guest.
Soledad Iparraguirre (ARG ) Olympic Umpire , will be responsible for training the umpires, and international Alicia Takeda ( MEX ) will conduct the course for technical officials (September 9th and 10th).
The event is part of PAHF development program to encourage competition of new countries, and it will be held at the venue of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán.
Norin Palencia, President of the Federation, and Laura Macchiotti worked on the draft of the National Development Hockey Plan for Honduras. During the meetings with Salvador Jimenez Cáceres, President of the Honduran Olympic Committee, the feasibility of delivering this plan to gain Olympic Solidarity resources in the next cycle was discussed.
Foto: Head of the Physical Education Department of Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Mr. Ramón Antonio Vega , Norin Palencia , President of the Honduran Federation of Hockey , Laura Macchiotti ,PAHF Events Coordinator.
The II Central America Indoor Cup will take place in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, from September 11th to September 13th. Besides the event, technical and umpiring courses will be run.
PAHF made the pre tournament visit in early June to assist with the organization of this important event. The second edition of this cup will have the representation of women's and men's national teams of Honduras , Costa Rica , Guatemala , El Salvador , Panama, and Ecuador men's team as a special guest .
Soledad Iparraguirre (ARG ) Olympic Umpire , will be responsible for training the umpires, and international Alicia Takeda ( MEX ) will conduct the course for technical officials (September 9th and 10th) .
The event is part of PAHF development program to encourage competition of new countries, and it will be held at the venue of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán.
Norin Palencia, President of the Federation, and Laura Macchiotti worked on the draft of the National Development Hockey Plan for Honduras. During the meetings with Salvador Jimenez Cáceres, President of the Honduran Olympic Committee, the feasibility of delivering this plan to gain Olympic Solidarity resources in the next cycle was discussed.
Head of the Physical Education Department of Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Mr. Ramón Antonio Vega , Norin Palencia , President of the Honduran Federation of Hockey , Laura Macchiotti ,PAHF Events Coordinator.