FIH Hockey World League Round 2-Womens-Montevideo Awards:

Best goalkeeper of the tournament: Jesus Castillo (MEX)

Best junior player of the tournament: Constanza Barrandeguy (URU)

Top goal scorer of the tournament: Giuliana Ruggieri (ITA)

Best player of the tournament: Chiara Tiddi (ITA)


Prior to the final match of the FIH Hockey World League Round 2 in Montevideo, Federika Kempner was honored by Danae Andrada, President of the Uruguayan Hockey Federation, for her 50th cap. In front of a full house, Uruguay played Italy. Italy looked to attack early and earned a penalty corner just a few minutes into the match. Uncharacteristically, Agata Wybieralska’s penalty corner shot went wide. Italy kept play in their attacking half and Giuliana Ruggieri also missed a near scoring opportunity for Italy. Midway through the first period, Italy again had a penalty corner shot go wide and the match remained scoreless. Agustina Nieto and Federika Kempner continued to work hard on defense for Uruguay, but Uruguay had trouble maintaining possession. Anastasia Olave finally was able to hold on to the ball in the midfield, but Italy soon regained possession. With both teams keeping possession in the midfield, the first period ended scorless.

Italy continued to control the play of the match in the second period. Ruggieri’s persistence paid off as she shot the ball well past Uruguay keeper Rosanna Paselle Decia in the 17th minute. Lucia Laborde and Kempner spent a lot of time passing the ball back and forth in Uruguay’s backfield. Each time they tried to pass the ball through to the Uruguay attack it was Italy who came up with the ball. Italy’s Marcela Casale Lhez took advantage and scored Italy’s second goal in the 23rd minute. Play was down near Italy’s attacking circle for much of the rest of the second period. Celina Traverso quickly prevented Uruguay from running on attack and the score remained Italy 2, Uruguay nill at halftime.

In the third period, play continued in Italy’s attacking half. Ruggieri kept looking for more shot opportunities. Uruguay had a break on attack and was able to earn a penalty corner. Italy’s defense blocked up the play and went back on attack. Again, each time Uruguay was able to regain possession Italy, behind the leadership of Captain Chiara Tiddi, Italy’s defense was ready to intercept the Uruguay pass. In the 37th minute, Wybieralska was able to put in her signature penalty corner blast to give Uruguay a three goal lead. Uruguay then tried to close the gap with a penalty corner shot, but Italy’s defense again came up big. Without another goal in the match, the score remained Uruguay nill, Italy three at the end of the third period.

Italy continued their attacking pressure in the fourth period and Uruguay continued to not have an answer. Italy’s Captain Chiara Tiddi who had done well on Italy’s defensive end put her team ahead by four goals off a penalty corner goal in the 47th minute. With six minutes remaining in the match, Uruguay was awarded a penalty corner. Martina Chirico, Italy’s keeper made the save and Italy quickly regained possession. Italy’s reserve keeper Maria Donati entered the match with three minutes remaining. With Italy having dominated possession throughout the match, Italy came away with the statement shutout win over Uruguay.

While Italy won the final of the World League Round 2 in Montevideo, both Italy and Uruguay will advance to the World League Semi-final round.

In the third place match between Mexico and Azerbaijan, from the start it was a battle for possession. Marlet Correa continued her attacking intensity from Mexico’s last match against Uruguay. This time Marlet was able to score and gave Mexico the lead in the 4th minute. Azerbaijan quickly tied the match when Lyubov Druzhinina found the back of the net. Azerbaijan’s Captain Khatira Aliyeva gave her team the lead off a penalty stroke in the 22nd minute. Azerbaijan’s offense then got hot as Anastasiya Tsyganska scored two goals in the final minutes of the second period to give Azerbaijan a three goal lead over Mexico in the second period. With Mexico unable to take advantage of a penalty corner opportunity at the end of the period, the score at halftime was Azerbaijan four, Mexico one.

At the beginning of the third period, Tatyana Kyianychenko kept having possession with the ball and her work resulted in a quick penalty corner opportunity for Azerbaijan. Mexico played great team defense to hold off the penalty corner play. Azerbaijan quickly earned another penalty corner and Tsyganska again put in a penalty corner shot from the post to further increase Azerbaijan’s lead. Midway through the third period, Marlet Correa looked to have another run on attack and Captain Michel Navarro nearly scored. Mexico was awarded a penalty corner, but Azerbaijan’s keeper Saadat Nuriyeva was there for the save. Mexico continued to try to run on attack. Azerbaijan continued to dominate possession and take away Mexico’s few attacking opportunities. Cindy Correa and Fernanda Oviedo got the ball to Navarro down in Mexico’s attacking circle. As a diving Ana Juarez missed a scoring opportunity Azerbaijan kept possession for the rest of the period.

Going into the fourth period, the score was Azerbaijan five, Mexico one. During the beginning of the fourth period, Mexico took away some of Azerbaijan’s dominance. Azerbaijan’s reserve keeper Zlata Potapova went in the fourth period. Mexico, however, could not get early shots in the period past Potapova. In the 50th minute, Mexico sent in their reserve keeper Montserrat Inguanzo. Mexico didn’t let up and again, Navarro and Marlet Correa worked the ball down field. This time Eliana Cota connected with the crossed ball and put it past Potapova for the score in the 52nd minute to make it Azerbaijan 5, Mexico 2. Mexico looked to continue to cut into Azerbaijan’s lead. Druzhinina and Emine Mailova helped block a series of penalty corners by Mexico. Play continued to be in Mexico’s attacking half and this time it was Azerbaijan who could not seem to keep possession for a long period of time. As a penalty corner shot went wide, Mexico’s last minute efforts on offense did not cut into Azerbaijan’s lead. The final score remained Mexico 2, Azerbaijan 5. With the third place finish, Azerbaijan will await the other third place finishers of the other Hockey World League Round 2 events in India and Ireland, respectively.  The highest placed team in the FIH World Rankings current at the end of all the Round 2 events of the teams that finish 3rd in the Round 2 events will qualify to the World League Semi-final.

In the match to decide fifth place, France and Trinidad and Tobago played.  Play started with France on attack and France failing to execute a penalty corner. France kept up their attacking pressure and Philippine Berly scored in the seventh minute to give France the lead. Krizia Layne and Alanna Lewis continued to play hard defense for Trinidad and Tobago to hold off a lot of French attack. As time expired in the first period, France was awarded a couple penalty corners. Trinidad and Tobago keeper Petal Derry blocked the first penalty corner shot, but on the next corner, Juliette Hevin found the far side of the goal away from Derry. The score at the end of the first period was France two, Trinidad and Tobago nill.

France started the second period with another penalty corner, but the shot went wide. French Captain Apolline Rogeau scored in the 20th minute to increase her team’s lead.  Lewis fought hard for possession on the defensive end and found Brianna Govia to go on attack. France quickly regained possession and Amie Olton and Layne were forced to make more big plays on defense. Berly nearly scored another goal off a penalty corner, but the shot went just wide. For much of the second period, Layne, Lewis, and Olton were working hard on defense to keep France from scoring further. At halftime, the match was France 3, Trinidad and Tobago nill.

Looking fresh after the halftime break, Trinidad and Tobago was able to gain more possession and Samantha Olton and Oire Trotman had moments with the ball in the midfield. Each time, however, France would regain possession and prevent Trinidad and Tobago from getting close to their goal. Derry nearly blocked another French penalty corner, but Marine Delannoy snuck the ball past to put France ahead by four goals in the 43rd minute. Trinidad and Tobago came back with renewed energy and Trotman had a number of scoring opportunities. Trotman finally capitalized in the 44th minute when she tipped in a penalty corner goal. But Alix Perrocheau countered for France to keep France’s lead of four goals with the score France five, Trinidad and Tobago one at the end of the third period.

In the fourth period, France continued their attacking intensity and Emma Ponthieu, off the post, put in a penalty corner shot for France to make it France six, Trinidad and Tobago one in the 48th minute. Midway through the fourth period, Trinidad and Tobago had a rare opportunity on attack and earned a penalty corner. With Blair Wynne’s shot blocked by France’s defense, Trinidad and Tobago could not cut into France’s lead. Trotman and teammates had a few more scoring opportunities at the end of the fourth period, but could not find the back of the goal cage. The final score remained France six, Trinidad and Tobago one.

In the match to decide seventh place, Kenya and the Dominican Republic played. Kenya earned an early penalty corner, but the Dominican Republic defense blocked the shot.  The Dominican Republic then looked to go on attack, but Kenya prevented Dominican Republic’s Captain Soledad Del Pino from mounting an attack.  Each time the Dominican Republic looked to move the ball forward, Kenya was there to receive a Dominican Republic pass. While Kenya’s Captain Betsy Ommala was out with a green card, Agustina Birocho had the Dominican Republic’s best chance for a goal, but the Kenyan defense held off the Dominican Republic attack.

The second period started with Cindy De La Rosa making a save to keep Kenya off the scoreboard. Kenya continued their offensive pressure and was awarded a penalty corner, but Del Pino came up with a big defensive. The Dominican Republic then immediately earned a penalty corner, but this time it was Kenya’s defenders who blocked the shot. In the middle of the second period, De La Rosa made two more big saves to prevent a Kenya score. Together, Cecilia Oflaherti and Magalys Ortega Mateo pressured on attack for the Dominican Republic and earned a penalty corner. Lucia Navamuel sent a high shot into the goal to put Dominican Republic ahead in the 25th minute. The Dominican Republic continued their pressure on attack, but Kenya’s defense held off another Dominican Republic penalty corner. De La Rosa again came up big to prevent Kenya from tying the match. In the final minute of the second period, the Dominican Republic just barely missed scoring off another penalty corner. Thus, the score was Dominican Republic 1, Kenya nill at the halftime break.

The third period started with Oflaherti, Navamuel and Del Pino playing defense at the front of the Dominican Republic line to hold off the Kenyan attack. Kenya’s quick pressure on attack paid off with a couple penalty corners. Manuela Sanchez Guarin led the Dominican Republic defense in blocking up the penalty corners and then Del Pino worked to go on attack. Finally, Caroline Guchu was able to convert one of Kenya’s penalty corners to tie the match one-one in the 38th minute. The Dominican Republic countered and Benifer Moronta converted a penalty stroke one minute later to give her team back the lead. Kenya then successfully blocked another Dominican Republic penalty corner and looked to run on attack. In the final minutes of the third period, Kenya’s attacking pressure resulted in a penalty corner, but again De La Rosa was there for the save. The Dominican Republic held off Kenya’s offense in the finale minutes to keep their one-goal lead going into the fourth period.

In the fourth period, Kenya continued their offensive pressure. Play was mostly in Kenya’s attacking half and Guchu sent a number of balls towards Kenya’s attacking circle, but the Dominican Republic defense consistently prevented Kenya from getting a good shot on goal. Ortega Mateo looked to have a run on attack, but Ommala was there to stop her. Ortega Mateo received a yellow card in the 56th minute; and then Kenya looked to capitalize. While Kenya was unable to convert a penalty corner, Ommala continued to take shots that were blocked by Dominican Republic’s defense. Again, playing solid team defense the Dominican Republic held off another Kenya penalty corner. Navamuel played hard defense in the final minutes to hold off a final Kenya attack. Thus, Dominican Republic came away with the narrow win over Kenya and the seventh place finish.