Under the lights, in front of a full home crowd Italy and Uruguay played a thrilling match to end the day. Early on, Italy earned first penalty corners of the match. The Uruguay defense held strong against a fast Italian team.  Uruguay’s Captain Sofia Mora scored off their first penalty corner in the match in the 13th minute to give Uruguay a 1-0 lead over Italy. Uruguay’s defense then held off a penalty corner by Italy, but Italy continued to pressure on attack. The score stayed Italy 0, Uruguay 1 at the end of the first period. Italy maintained possession for much of the second period.  Giuliana Ruggieri and Martina Lecchini worked hard in the attacking end for Italy, but could not convert. The scored remained Uruguay 1, Italy nill at halftime. To start the third period, Florencia Norbis and Constanza Barrandeguy hustled on both offense and defense for Uruguay. Agustina Nieto continued to play very strong defense to hold off Italy’s attacking pressure. Italy broke through to tie the match 1-1 in the 43rd minute off a penalty corner by Macarena Ronsisvalli. Uruguay then immediately earned two penalty corners and re-took the lead off a Janine Stanley shot. Soon after, Italy’s Eleonora Di Mauro earned a yellow card; and the third period ended with host Uruguay over Italy 2-1. Uruguay continued their attacking pressure in the fourth period, but the early penalty corner shot went wide. Lucia Lamberti had a good run into Uruguay’s attacking end, but Italy came up with the ball. Italy continued to attack and earned a penalty corner midway through the fourth period, but the shot went wide. Both teams continued to battle for possession in the midfield. In the last minute of play, Italy’s Captain Chiara Tiddi scored off a penalty corner to tie the match and send the match into a shoot-out. For both teams, the first three shooters were unable to score in the shoot-out. Ruggieri and Lamberti then scored for their respective teams. Rosanna Paselle Decia, Uruguay’s keeper held strong to keep Tiddi from scoring the fifth shot for Italy; and Manuela Vilar Del Valle converted for Uruguay to put Uruguay ahead 2-1 in the shootout and to give Uruguay the win.



To start the Women’s World League Round 2 in Montevideo, Azerbaijan and Trinidad & Tobago played. Azerbaijan earned the first penalty corner of the match a few minutes into the match and Farida Mammadova kept up the attacking pressure to put Azerbaijan ahead 1-0 in the 4th minute. Azerbaijan continued to dominate during the first period. Captain Khatira Aliyeva hit a hard shot from the top of the circle, but Trinidad and Tobago’s keeper Petal Derry kept the score 1-0 at the end of the first period. The second period also started with an Azerbaijan penalty corner, but Trinidad and Tobago’s defense kept up their strong play. Both Captains for Trinidad & Tobago, Alanna Lewis and Patricia Wright-Alexis anchored a backfield that kept Azerbaijan from having many scoring opportunities. Tatyana Kyianchenko was all over Azerbaijan’s attacking half in the second period. The Trinidad and Tobago defense kept Azerbaijan scoreless in the second period. Azerbaijan started the third period yet again with a penalty corner and Captain Aliyeva scored a low shot past Derry for the 2-0 lead in the 35th minute. Azerbaijan continued their attacking pressure, but lucky for Trinidad and Tobago Emine Mailova’s shot hit the goal post. Trinidad and Tobago earned their first penalty corner of the match towards the end of the third period; but Blair Wynne’s shot went wide. Trinidad and Tobago kept up their attack and a second penalty corner shot by Wynne was blocked by Azerbaijan’s keeper. Third time was the charm for Trinidad and Tobago scoring off their third penalty corner in the 44th minute to end the third period on the scoreboard. Once again, Azerbaijan started the fourth period with a penalty corner and Mammadova scored her second goal of the match to put her team ahead 3-1. Two minutes later, Aliyeva scored back-to-back penalty corner goals to give Azerbaijan a 5-1 lead over Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad and Tobago played strong defense to prevent Azerbaijan from scoring further.  Derry held off another penalty corner shot in final minutes, but Azerbaijan still came away with the big 5-1 win over Trinidad and Tobago.



In the second match, the Pan American nations of Mexico and the Dominican Republic battled. Dominican Republic earned the first penalty corner of the match, but the shot went wide. Both teams fought for possession throughout the first half and neither team had many scoring opportunities. Midway through the second period Mexico earned their first penalty corner, but the shot went wide. Mexico kept up their attacking pressure and earned a number of penalty corners, but Dominican Republic’s keeper Cindy De La Rosa blocked the shots. Finally, Fernanda Oviedo persistence paid off and she put Mexico ahead in the 27th minute off a penalty corner. Dominican Republic’s Agustina Birocho immediately tied the match. With the second period winding down, penalty corners by both teams were blocked and the half ended in a 1-1 draw.  After a number of penalty corners in which Mexico could not convert, Cecila Oflaherti’s goal in the 36th minute put Dominican Republic ahead 2-1.  Mexico’s Jessica Sanchez then tied the match 2-2 in the 44th minute. Oviedo scored again on a wide open net at the very beginning of the fourth period.  Mexico kept up their attacking pressure and Captain Michel Navarro scored back-to-back goals to put Mexico ahead 5-2 with six minutes remaining. The final score remained Mexico 5 and Dominican Republic 2.