The recently founded Haitian Hockey Federation (HHF) was accepted as a Member by the International Hockey Federation (FIH) during its recent Congress, held in November 2014. The Haitian Hockey Federation would like to thank the PAHF Board, and all the National Federations that have voted to accept their membership.
The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) supported the introduction of hockey in Haiti with a donation of equipment and with the organization of an Introductory Coaching Course. It was organized in the Centre Sportif Pour l’Espoir (“Sporting Centre for Hope” in English), with the support of the PAHF, the FIH, a representative from the International Olympic Committee and the Centre Sportif Pour l’Espoir.
The HHF organized the inaugural course in Haiti from January 16 to January 20, 2015, for 42 Haitian coaches under the guidance of Shiv Jagday , FIH Coach. The goal of this course was to introduce the game of hockey to players, potential coaches and administrators of Haiti, coming from different departments or different states in the country.
The course was well received by all participants, with everybody fascinated by the teaching and coaching experience of Coach Shiv. Several media or press came to cover the activities, such as National Radio Television of Haiti (RTNH), the official media of the Government, Storm TV, Radio-Tele Ginen (RTG).
The HFF thanks all people who contributed to make this training possible, especially PAFH and FIH, and of course Coach Shiv Jagday. The Haitian Hockey Federation is opened to work with other National Hockey Associations willing to bring support to the progress of Hockey in Haiti!