On November 1st  Costa Rica celebrated its III Annual Children´s and Youth Festival in Dulce Nombre in the province of Cartago. This day, filled with activities for boys and girls of all ages and from all areas of the country featured workshops with the junior teams whom themselves, motivated by the 1st Centralamerican Tournament have shown more initiative, motivation and optimism. An exhibition match was played following the workshops allowing the youngsters to see their tutors in action in a match leading to an incredible sense of support. These activities were followed by matches in which each team including their goalkeeper truly enjoyed their achievements.

The happy faces were evident all over the gym floor and comments such as ...’ this was a really happy day’ were in abundance, therefore all parents and teachers were greatly satisfied.

On November 2nd, the turn came for juniors (boys and girls) between 14 and 17 years of age whom already having had some experience did not need an introductory technical workshop but rather some explanations on doubts regarding rules, which were supervised by Andrey Umaña, Josela Picad, Oscar Aguilar, Juan Pablo Solís and Sidney Porras, instructors whom following the course given by PAHF last august maintained themselves very involved in hockey development. Immediately after, the matches began with the participation of 5 girls teams all with their own goalie (some without prior experience but lots of great expectations) as well as 6 boys teams. All matches were very intense and played with a lot of passion. For most of them this was the first time in which they left their region to represent it in this sport. In the stands one could feel anxiety and expectation. With each play they learned something and with each blow of the whistle instructions were given. What most definitely was in existence, as we are already used to was a great deal of love and affection, each of them honestly sharing their knowledge or skill set and even telling their secrets to teach technique.

At the end of each day, 100 children and 120 juniors, each with their Festival Shirt beamed with happiness and had more friends to show for. For us, as the organizing Association this was a great step towards the National Championship next year, which will be the first in Costa Rica´s history. We have lots to improve upon but lots of achievements and a great deal of motivation as legacy.

In 2015 we will have 4, instead of 1 festival leading us to feel four times more satisfied and motivated than today. Lets go Hockey Costa Rica, challenges await us.

Bernardo Picado Trejos
Asociación de Hockey sobre Césped y Pista