The new pitches are in a majestic setting at the heart of the University of Toronto campus

The first competition was organized this weekend in Toronto on the two new hockey pitches built in a historic setting at the heart of the University of Toronto campus. The venerable Victorian buildings (some of them more than 150 years old) surrounding the hockey facility are in stark contrast with the neighbouring modern high-rises of downtown Toronto.

The new facility will host the hockey competitions during the upcoming Pan American Games, scheduled for July 10-26, 2015. Spectators will certainly appreciate the very central location of the venue, easily accessible on foot or by public transportation.

The test event ran from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, with university teams using it as a last tune-up before the start of their competitive season. Some universities also entered an “alumni” team, with the former players marvelling at the new pitches and regretting that the facilities were not the same “in their days”.

The test event was used to check not only the quality of the pitch but also the watering system, the drainage (put through a severe and unscheduled test during a torrential downpour) and even the automatic advanced lightning warning system that triggered an evacuation of the pitch during the Friday night storm.

TO2015, the Organizing Committee of the Pan American Games, had invited the two Tournament Directors of the hockey competitions (Cammie Burke, from Barbados, and Lorena Rinaldini, from Argentina), as well as PAHF Managing Director Julio Neves, for two days of meetings, where all operational aspects of the Games were presented and discussed, from accreditation to medal ceremonies, transportation and the results system.  

The PAHF delegation spent a full day at the venue, reviewing the proposed layout and logistics for Games time, and taking their bearings, although the venue will of course look much different next July with the Games overlay and pageantry.  

“Hockey is fortunate that so many experts and professionals are working towards the objective of delivering the best possible event”, said PAHF Managing Director Julio Neves. “The venue location, in the emblematic University of Toronto with its wonderful architecture, in the heart of downtown, will provide a great experience to all, participants, volunteers, dignitaries and of course spectators”.

“The site visit was very important for a general overview of all areas of organization, and to allow us to flag adjustments and improvements needed. Both PAHF and TO2015 are committed to organizing a successful hockey competition”, said Tournament Director Cammie Burke.

The Pan American Games hockey competitions serve as a qualifier for the 2016 Olympic Games, with the two winners earning an automatic berth for Rio.

The Pan Am Fields in Toronto will also host the 2016 Men’s Pan American Junior Championship, while the brand new state of the art Goldring High Performance Center next door will host the 2017 Men’s and Women’s Indoor Pan American Cups.

Reminder: tickets are now on sale for the 2015 Pan American Games @