Panama is the leader of the group with 9 points and Celina Portugal (PAN) is the top scorer

Costa Rica vs. Guatemala: 3-4 (1-2)

In the second day of women’s competition in the Central America Indoor Championship, Costa Rica and Guatemala played.

Costa Rica showed more confidence at the international stage and players were fierce at the pitch; Guatemala had to battle for the narrow victory 3-4 in their favor. NAVARRO ARTAVIA Jacqueline scored for the locals in minute 11th, but only one minute later Guatemala balanced the game thru PINEDA JUT Sharon. Guatemala scored again in minute 18th from a field goal by MAZARIEGOS SAMAYOA Andrea. Teams went to the break with the minimum difference in favor of Guatemala 1-2.

The second half was even and it was again Costa Rica who scored first in minute 25th --BARRANTES MORA Jennipher- leaving the game tied in 2-2. The team run from one end to the other; SERRANO VALENZUELA Caroline, Guatemala Captain scored in minute 27, SOLANO ZUNIGA Maria from Costa Rica in minute 35th and again SERRANO VALENZUELA Caroline from Guatemala in minute 37th. Guatemala won  3-4.

Costa Rica vs. Panama:  2 - 6 (0 - 2)

Panama met the host, Costa Rica in the last match of the day of women’s competition at the Central America Indoor Championship.

Panama took the lead of the game, scoring six times. It was only with a few minutes to the end that the locals, encouraged by a cheering crowd scored twice. The effort was not enough and Panama who is fighting for the gold won the match. The final score was 6-2 in favor of Panama.

Panamá scored very early in minute 1 thru MONTENEGRO Kersthy; in minute 6th MURILLO Cristina, added one more giving the lead to Panama 0-2. In minutes 22nd and 23rd PORTUGAL Celina converted two penalty corners. In minute 26th Panama Captain  MONTENEGRO Kersthy  scored her second and DIAZ Rubi capitalized a penalty corner in minute 39th. Costa Rica scored two in a row in minute 40th from field goals of NAVARRO ARTAVIA Jacqueline and MATA AGUILAR Nohelia. Panama won 2-6.