In the first Men’s match on Day 3 of the 2014 Men’s Indoor Pan American Cup Canada and Guyana played. Canada’s Captain Ken Pereira scored in the first minute to give Canada a 1-0 lead. Following this quick goal, Canada dominated possession, but Guyana had good positing to keep Canada out of their attacking circle. Guyana blocked a series of Canadian penalty corners and Canada continued to attack. Jonathan Roberts made it a 2-0 score for Canada in the 11th minute. Guyana nearly scored around the 15th minute, but Canadian keeper Pardeep Koonar came up with a big save. Roberts was able to convert a penalty corner in the 18th minute. Guyana did not let up, but they were unable to convert a penalty corner in the 20th minute. Thus, the halftime score was Canada 3 and Guyana 0.

In the second half, Canada continued their attacking pressure and Devohn Noronha Teixeira scored on an open goal in the 25th minute to put Canada ahead by four goals. Tyler Branco and Pereira then scored back-to-back goals to make the score 6-0 over Guyana midway through the second half. Canada continued to pressure on attack, but Guyana’s defense played really well and the final score remained Canada 6, Guyana nill.

In the second men’s match on Day 3, Argentina and the United States played. The match started fast-paced with both teams fighting for possession. The United States earned the first penalty corner of the match in the 6th minute, but Argentina’s Captain and keeper Alejandro Garbuglia came up with a big save to prevent the United States from scoring. Argentina’s Agustin Ceballos scored first off a high goal over United States keeper Kevin Segeren in the 12th minute. Soon after, Argentina’s Carlos Espejo gave Argentina a two goal lead. The United States immediately countered, however, and Moritz Runzi cut Argentina’s lead to one in the 17th minute. The score remained Argentina 2, United States 1 at halftime. Two minutes into the second half, the United States’ Sebastian Scheurer tied the match 2-2. The United States continued their attacking momentum and Captain Robert Schilling gave the United States the lead in the 24th minute. Three minutes later, in front of roaring fans, Argentina’s Joaquin Gonzalez tied the match, 3-3, off a penalty corner. In the 32nd minute, the United States had a chance to take the lead off a penalty corner, but the shot went wide. The United States kept up their attack and Scheurer scored again to give the United States a 4-3 lead over Argentina. Soon after, Argentina earned a penalty corner and had a chance to tie the match, but the shot was blocked by Segeren. Both teams continued to battle and Argentina earned a penalty corner in the final minute. Segeren came up with another big save and the United States came away with the 4-3 win.

Please stay tuned to for photos, post-match interviews and live updates throughout the tournament April 7th-12th 2014.