In the first Men’s match on Day 2 of the 2014 Men’s Indoor Pan American Cup United State and Guyana played. Like the United States’ first match against Uruguay, Moritz Runiz scored in the opening minutes to give the United States an early 1-0 lead. The United States continued to pressure on attack and Ajai Dhadwal made the score 2-0 in the 9th minute. Guyana’s Jamarj Assanah scored off their first penalty corner of the match in the 14th minute to cut into the United States lead. The United States continued to dominate possession however and Runzi scored again to make the score 3-1. In the 19th minute, United States Captain Robert Schilling scored and it was 4-1 at halftime.

During the second half of the match, the United States continued to dominate possession in the opening minutes, but Guyana played much stronger defense. Runzi scored his third goal of the match in the 27th minute to make it a 5-1 score in favor of the United States. Guyana’s hard work paid off and Guyana earned a penalty corner in the 30th minute. Guyana’s Robert France put in a high shot to narrow the score to 5-2. One minute later, Kevin Barber of the United States received a yellow card; and Guyana’s Aroydy Brandford capitalized off a penalty corner to cut the United States lead to two goals. A fourth goal by Runzi in the 35th minute halted Guyana’s attacking momentum and made the score 6-3. With few minutes remaining in the match, United States keeper Jason Wellings blocked a hard Guyana penalty corner shot. Sebastian Scheurer scored in the 38th minute to make it 7-3. Guyana did not let up and Assanah scored again in the final minute to make the final score 7-4 in favor of the United States.

In the second match, Canada and host Uruguay played. The match opened with an early shot by Uruguay that went wide. Canada earned the first penalty corner of the match, but the shot was immediately blocked by Uruguay. Canada kept up their attack, but Uruguay’s defense continued to make big saves. Midway through the second half, Canada’s Jonathan Roberts broke through for the first score and to give his team the lead. Uruguay then earned a penalty corner, but Canada’s keeper Shankar Premakanthan made a big save to prevent Uruguay from scoring. Canada then rushed back and Robert converted a penalty corner to give Canada a 2-0 lead over Uruguay at halftime. Canada continued their attacking momentum in the second half and Micah Teixeira scored off a penalty corner in the 26th minute. Six minutes later Scott Sandison made the score 4-0 in favor of Canada. Uruguay played strong defense and prevented Canada from scoring another goal. The final score remained Canada 4, Uruguay nill.

Please stay tuned to for photos, post-match interviews and live updates throughout the tournament April 7th-12th 2014.