On August 6, 2013, a gas leak in the city of Rosario, Argentina, caused an explosion that killed 21 persons, injured 66 and destroyed more than 300 houses.
Many charity events were organized in the city to collect money for the victims.
Argentinean Captain and multiple FIH Player of the Year Luciana Aymar suggested that Las Leonas should take part in the relief effort, and started to call her current and former teammates on the Argentinean team to organize a Charity match.
The match took place on September 8 in Rosario. Before the game, the Argentinean National Anthem was played, then there was a moment of silence in memory of the victims, and Lucha Aymar thanked everyone for their contribution and effort to make the charity match possible: current and former players, the Municipality of Rosario, the Argentinean Hockey Confederation, the Hockey Association of Rosario, as well as numerous companies and contributors.
The tickets were completely sold out. The takings of 142.700 pesos were deposited in a special fund in the Municipal Bank of Rosario.
Las Leonas team: Laura del Colle y Sofía Cesanelli, Delfina Merino, Silvina D'Elía, Mariela Scarone, Carla Rebecchi, Martina Cavallero, Rosario Luchetti, Rocío Sánchez Moccia, Gabriela Aguirre, Macarena Rodríguez, Giselle Juárez, Agustina Albertario.
Lucha´s Friends team: Ayelén Stepnik, Julieta Castellán, Agustina Bouza, Cintia Aymar (Lucha´s sister), Magdalena Aicega, Mariana Rossi, Mercedes Margalot, Mariné Russo, Mariana González Oliva, María de la Paz Hernández, Alejandra Gulla, Giselle Kañevsky, Paola Vukojic .