Day 3 of the 2013 Women’s Pan American Cup was the last day of Pool Play. There will be two regional semi-finals: USA versus Canada; and Argentina versus Chile.

The nightcap Pool A match was between Argentina and Guyana. Argentina took an early 1-0 lead off a field goal by Martina Cavallero, who slipped the ball past Guyana’s keeper Alysa Xavier. Soon after, Argentina earned a penalty corner that was well defended by Guyana’s defense. Argentina kept up their strong attack and Carla Rebecchi’s goal made it Argentina 2, Guayana 0 within the first six minutes of the match. Cavallero scored again in the 8th minute. Four minutes later, Daniela Sruoga scored off a penalty corner shot that had rebounded off of Xavier. Cavallero scored her third goal of the match in the 16th minute. Immediately after, a goal by Delfina Merino made the score Argentina 6, 0 Guyana. Rosario Luchetti gave Argentina a seven goal lead in the 21st minute. A beautiful lifted penalty corner goal by Rebecchi made it Argentina 8, Guyana 0. Suroga scored another penalty corner goal in the 27th minute. Another goal by Merino and a penalty corner goal by Noel Barrionuevo as time winded down in the half made the halftime score Argentina 11, 0 Guyana.

In the opening minutes of the second half, Rebecchi scored her third goal of match off a penalty corner. Four minutes later, Rebecchi scored again to give Argentina a 13 goal lead in the 41st minute. Captain Luciana Aymar scored two quick goals to make it Argentina 15, Guayana 0. In the 51st minute, Aymar scored her third goal of the match; and then Agustina Albertarrio scored to make in Argentina 17, Guyana 0 in the 53rd minute. Two more goals by Luchetti and one more Aymar, respectively, gave Argentina a 20 goal lead with seven minutes left in the match. Silvina D’Elia scored her first goal of the match in the 69th minute and Barrionuevo scored again to make the final score, Argentina 22, Guyana 0.


In the first Pool A match on Day 3 of the Women’s Pan American Cup Trinidad & Tobago and Canada played. In the 4th minute, Canada earned the first penalty corner of the match.  Canada’s shot went wide, but Canada was awarded another penalty corner. Again, the shot went wide. Canada continued to dominate possession in their attacking half. Throughout the first half, Trinidad & Tobago played great defense to prevent Canada from taking many shots on goal. Trinidad & Tobago continued to force Canada to make passes rather than enter their attacking circle. In the 20th minute, Canada was awarded a penalty corner. Again, Trinidad & Tobago well defended themselves.  In the 27th minute, Canada finally converted one of their shots when Hannah Haughn isolated herself from defenders and hit a hard shot on goal; making the score Canada 1, 0 Trinidad & Tobago. The score remained Canada 1, 0 Trinidad & Tobago at halftime. The second half was nearly the same as the first half. Canada dominated possession and controlled the play in their attacking half of the pitch. And Trinidad & Tobago continued to play incredible defense keeping Canada from having many shot opportunities. Canada’s persistence on attack finally paid off when Stephanie Norlander put in a field goal in the 61st minute. Soon after, Canada was awarded a penalty corner and Brienne Stairs tipped in the goal to make the score Canada 3, Trinidad & Tobago, 0. After the restart, Canada immediately received another penalty corner, but Trinidad & Tobago’s keeper prevented another penalty corner shot from going in. Caashia Karringten and Thea Culley had both had field goals in the final minutes, making the final score Canada 5, Trinidad & Tobago 0.


The United States and Uruguay played to determine the top spot in Pool B. The United States took the early lead in the 6th minute when Rachel Dawson scored off the United States’ first penalty corner. The United States continued to control possession, but Uruguay kept the United States from having many scoring opportunities. In the 16th minute, Kelsey Kolojejchcik scored off a penalty corner to put the United States ahead by two goals. The United States kept up their attack. In the 24th minute, Shannon Taylor scored a penalty corner goal that went right above the Uruguay keeper. The United States kept dominating possession, but Uruguay kept playing strong defense. In the final minute, Kathleen Sharkey scored off a penalty corner to make it USA 4, Uruguay nill at the halftime.

The second half started with the United States’ Paige Selenski immediately scoring off a penalty corner. The United States continued their attacking pressure, but Uruguay defended well to prevent the United States from scoring. In the 54th minute, the United States was awarded a penalty corner and Uruguay’s keeper Rossana Paselle Decia blocked the shot. Paselle Decia then left the match and reserve keeper Lucia Gioscia. In the 64th minute Uruguay was awarded their first penalty corner of the match and Agustina Taborda pushed in the shot to make the score USA 5, Uruguay 1. The United States countered with a penalty corner goal scored by Katie Reinprecht in the 68th minute. Thus, the final score ended USA 6, 1 Uruguay. And with the win the United States earned the top spot in Pool B. And Chile earned the second spot in Pool B.


In the first match of Day 3 of the Women’s Pan American Cup, Mexico and Chile played. In the opening minutes, Chile’s Manuela Urroz shot and a deflection by Mexico put Chile ahead 1-0 over Mexico. Soon after, Chile was awarded the first penalty corner of the match, but the shot was blocked by Mexico’s defense. Chile had another penalty corner shot blocked by Mexico’s keeper Selma Flores Ladron de Guevara.  Chile continued their offensive attack and earned a couple more penalty corners that were again was well defended by Mexico. In the 21st minute, Manuela Urroz scored to give Chile a two goal lead against Mexico. Five minutes later, Francisca Vidaurre made the score Chile 3, Mexico nill. In the 31st minute, Vidadurre scored again this time off a penalty corner to give Chile a four goal lead in the match. Chile kept up their attack and Daniela Caram made it Chile 5, Mexico nill. Mexico, however, did not let up and earned their first penalty corner of the match in the final minute of the first half. Mexico’s shot was blocked by Chile’s keeper Claudia Schuler and the score at halftime remained Chile 5, Mexico nill.

At the start of the second half, Chile quickly earned a penalty corner, but the shot went wide. Mexico did not let up and earned a penalty corner, but were unable to score off it. Chile went back on attack and Camila Caram’s hard shot gave Chile a six goal lead. Three minutes later Camila Caram scored off a penalty corner to make it Chile 7, Mexico nill. Mexico then substituted starting keeper Flores Ladron de Guevara with reserve Monserrat Inguanzo Garay. Mexico then had a shot that was blocked by Chile’s defense, and Chile went back on attack. Mexico had some opportunities down in their attacking end, but Chile prevented them from taking shots. In the 63th minute, Camilia Caram scored her third goal of the match off a beautiful lifted shot that went high into the goal. Mexico countered by running down on attack, but Chile quickly regained possession. In the 67th minute, Daniela Caram scored again, this time off a penalty corner, to make the score Chile 8, Mexico nill. With two minutes remaining, Mexico earned a couple penalty corners, but both were blocked by Chile’s defense. Thus, the final score was Chile 9, Mexico nill.

The Women’s Pan American Cup will continue on Thursday September 26th. Please stay tuned to for live updates, videos, photos, and more.