While Antofagasta leads Chile’s North region, Amazing Grace English School, in the Southern city of la Serena (IV Region) has implemented hockey as a pedagogical tool to develop their students and introduce them to a team sport. Finally this Chilean Region will have the chance to lead regional hockey, promoting development and increase of number of players in a low populated hockey area.

The following is the comment of a new player (Javiera Castro Castiglioni, I Medio, Amazing Grace English School, La Serena) after 2 months of ‘hockey experience’:

It was noon at the school pitch. The teacher and the students were ready to start the hockey session embraced by high temperatures and a sleepy sensation. I was waiting, impatient, looking forward to our first training session. From the very start all players put their best effort, tried to assimilate as much as possible. My mates and I tried to be the best ones, dreaming of a game, in this pitch as part of Amazing Grace Team.

Every Saturday, we have repeated the routine; giving the best of ourselves and enjoying our progress with the solid will of learning and being part of this new team and sport.