Honorary Secretary General Sue Neill retired from the Board

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) Board of Directors and all committees held successful meetings and a Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico in conjunction with the Pan American Games competition. 


Elections were held at the Congress and the PAHF Board will be composed of the following members for 2011-2013:

-        Tony Von Ondarza (VEN) - President
-        Aaron Sher  (USA) - Hon Secretary General (elected this year)
-        Derek Sandison  (CAN) -  Hon. Treasurer
-        Pam Stuper (USA) - Elected this year
-        Maureen Craig Rousseau (Trinidad & Tobago) - Elected this year
-        Mary Cicinelli  (CAN) - Elected this year
-        Danae Andrada Barrios  (URU) - Elected this year
-        Pam Hixon (USA)
-        Rene Granat (VEN)
-        Esteban Geiger  (CHI)
-        Gianni Delucchi  (PER) - Elected this year for a two-year term
-        Ademir Montenegro Cortes  (PAN) - Elected this year

Following the elections, the Board of Directors of the PAHF appointed as Vice Presidents:  Mary Cicinelli for the north, Maureen Craig-Rousseau for Central America and the Caribbean, and Esteban Geyger  for South America.

Honorary Secretary General Sue Neill retired from the Board and was made an Honorary Life Member of PAHF.

Jorge Querejeta was awarded the PAHF Order of Merit

Honduras was admitted as a provisional Member of the PAHF.  They will be a candidate for FIH membership at the next FIH Congress and upon acceptance there, will become a full member of the PAHF.

The Board voted to establish a PAHF Hockey Development Council which will be responsible for PAHF development.

The PAHF strategic plan 2012-2014 was reviewed and updated.PAHF events for upcoming years were reviewed and recommendations made for hosting agreements to be negotiated.  There will be a request for bids sent for some events that have not yet been finalized.

For more information on the PAHF competitions and programs, please visit the Pan American Hockey Federation web site at

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is recognized by the FIH as the governing continental federation for all field hockey in the Pan American region. There are 26 member Nations of the PAHF.  For more information please contact info@panamhockey.org