2015 Pan American Games (Women)

Toronto, Canada

Argentina Argentina, Canada Canada, Chile Chile, Cuba Cuba,
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic, Mexico Mexico, Uruguay Uruguay, USA USA

USA v Dominican Republic

1/4 final 4

# Info Time Teams Score Status Match Sheet
20 July 2015
16 1/4 final 4 5:00pm USA USA - DOM Dominican Republic 15 - 0 Official    x 2  

Match Report

The third women’s quarterfinal was between United States and the Dominican Republic. The match started with the United States pressuring heavily on attack. The United States earned the first penalty corner of the match in the fifth minute, but did not execute the penalty corner play. Cindy De La Rosa, the Dominican Republic keeper, made big saves to keep the United States off the scoreboard. Paige Selenski broke through in the ninth minute as she just barely pushed the ball into goal on the post to make the score United States 1, Dominican Republic 0. The United States kept pressuring on attack, but De La Rosa kept leading her defense to hold off the United States. In the 15th minute the United States was able to earn another penalty corner. De La Rosa saved the initial shot, but Michelle Kasold was there for the rebound and immediately scored to put the United States two goals ahead of the Dominican Republic to close out the first quarter.

As the second quarter started, the United States kept up their scoring momentum as Kelsey Kolojejchick scored off a hard hit in the 18th minute to make the score United States 3, Dominican Republic 0. Off the restart, Agustina Birocho had the ball down in the Dominican Republic’s attacking end very briefly as the United States quickly regained possession and ran on attack. Jill Witmer pushed the ball right past De La Rosa making it United States 4, Dominican Republic 0 by the 20th minute. The United States kept possession in their attacking half and in the 26th minute Katie O’Donnell scored to put her team ahead by five goals. Then Kolojejchick beat De La Rosa on the goal post to make the score United States 6, Dominican Republic 0 in the 28th minute. The United States earned two penalty corners in the 30th minute, but De La Rosa saved both shots to keep the score at halftime United States 6, Dominican Republic 0.

Following the halftime break, the United States immediately went on attack and Kolojejchick scored her third goal of the match off a penalty corner in the 32nd minute. A minute later, Katie Reinprecht then put in a hard shot to make the score United States 8, Dominican Republic 0. Two minutes later, Rachel Dawson’s drag flick off a penalty corner put her team ahead by nine goals. Kolojejchick then had her fourth goal of the match in the 36th minute to make the score United States 10, Dominican Republic 0. Play continued in the United States attacking area and Stefanie Fee hit a hard shot off a penalty corner in the 40th minute to make it United States 11, Dominican Republic 0. After De La Rosa blocked a couple more United States’ penalty corner shot, Melissa Gonzalez got a penalty corner shot past De La Rosa to make the score United States 12, Dominican Republic 0 that remained until the end of the third quarter.

The United States continued their rapid scoring in the fourth quarter when Katelyn Falgowski put one in for the United States in the 46th minute. In the 51st minute the Dominican Republic was able to get the ball down in their attacking end, but could not get into their attacking circle to get a shot off. Witmer then scored off a penalty corner after the initial shot hit the goal post to make the score United States 14, Dominican Republic 0 in the 55th minute.  A hard goal by O’Donnell in the 60th minute made the final score United States 15, Dominican Republic 0.


Team Min # Player Action
United States 9 21 SELENSKI Paige FG
United States 15 18 KASOLD Michelle PC
United States 18 7 KOLOJEJCHICK Kelsey FG
United States 20 10 WITMER Jill FG
United States 26 16 O'DONNELL Katie FG
United States 28 7 KOLOJEJCHICK Kelsey FG
United States 32 7 KOLOJEJCHICK Kelsey PC
United States 33 14 REINPRECHT Katie FG
United States 35 8 DAWSON Rachel PC
United States 36 7 KOLOJEJCHICK Kelsey FG
United States 40 2 FEE Stefanie PC
United States 43 5 GONZALEZ Melissa FG
United States 46 23 FALGOWSKI Katelyn FG
United States 55 10 WITMER Jill PC
United States 60 16 O'DONNELL Katie FG


Team Min # Player Type
Dominican Republic 39 9 BIROCHO Agustina Green Card
CAN v URU (1/4 final 3) CUB v MEX (5-8)

Final Standings

  1. USA
    1. USA
  2. Argentina
    2. Argentina
  3. Canada
    3. Canada
  4. Chile
    4. Chile
  5. Uruguay
    5. Uruguay
  6. Mexico
    6. Mexico
  7. Dominican Republic
  8. Cuba
    8. Cuba

Pool Standings

Team GP W D L GD P
Pool A
Argentina  ARG 3 3 0 0 26 9
Canada  CAN 3 2 0 1 10 6
Mexico  MEX 3 0 1 2 -13 1
Dominican Republic  DOM 3 0 1 2 -23 1
Team GP W D L GD P
Pool B
USA  USA 3 3 0 0 19 9
Chile  CHI 3 2 0 1 6 6
Uruguay  URU 3 1 0 2 -7 3
Cuba  CUB 3 0 0 3 -18 0