2011 PAHF Pan American Challenge (Women)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Deodoro Hockey Complex

Brazil v Bermuda


# Info Time Teams Score Status Match Sheet
31 July 2011
W1 Round-Robin 10:00am Brazil BRA - BER Bermuda 3 - 0 (1 - 0) Final        

Match Report

The first match of the 2011 Pan Am Challenge was between the women of Brazil and Bermuda. Brazil was awarded the first penalty corner of the match in the opening minutes, but it was blocked by the Bermuda keeper. Brazil continues to hold most of the possession and after a breakaway by Bermuda’s FRANCIS, Brazil earned their second penalty corner of the match. The Bermuda defense, however, blocked Brazil’s second penalty corner. And play continues in the mid-field. For much of the rest of the first half, both teams battled for possession in the midfield. However, as time expires Brazil is awarded another penalty corner. Brazil’s Tatiana NORONHA MACHADO scores to put Brazil ahead 1-0 at the half.

The second half continued with Brazil on attack. In the 43rd minute, Brazil’s Priscilla MARQUES DOS SANTOS scored a field goal to make the score 2-0 Brazil over Bermuda. Brazil continued to hold the majority of the possession throughout the rest of the second half. Brazil took a 3-0 lead in the 63rd minute off a penalty stroke goal by NORONHA MACHADO. Bermuda then substituted its starting keeper Latonia FRAY for reserve keeper Candace DESILVA. The Bermuda defense held strong, however, to prevent another goal by Brazil. The match got progressively physical towards the end and NORONHA MACHADO received a red card with a few minutes left in the match. Despite Bermuda’s fight for possession at the end they could not put in a score and Brazil earned a 3-0 lead for their first point of the Pan Am Challenge.



Bermuda’s Coach Dafydd HERMANN-SMITH

On the match…

We played reasonably well. We gave up the penalty corner at the end of the first half [that led to a goal for Brazil to take the lead]. We would have been in better shape in the second half had we gone into it nill-nill. I am not sure what would have happened.

On the difference between the first and second halves…

We had one or two tight players. We lost shape in the midfield. Defensively, we had two turnovers that led to two goals.

On the play of starting keeper Latonia FRAY (and why he substituted her at the end of the match)…

She had a good game, but she is only sixteen and I wanted to let her know how well she played.


Bermuda’s Captain LaKae DILL

We set out with a goal that we did not necessarily achieve, but we fought hard and did our best.

On what was that goal…

To get a point representing our country and to achieve well.


Brazil’s Coach Eduardo MARTINS JR

On the match…

We played with confidence, but after the first half we started to play with our heads and with patience. We increased our rhythm and Bermuda increased. But we kept calm and our midfield movement was the difference—especially as the game got increasingly physical in the second half.

Brazil’s Captain Djeniffer DOMBROWICZ VASQUES

We maintained our pressure and that lead to the penalty corner [that led to a goal] at the end of the first half. We stayed calm even after the physical play. We were confident in our play. This is really positive for our country, especially as we work to develop hockey here.

PAR v GUY (Round-Robin)