Coaching Courses

PAHF Local Development Coaching Course, Venezuela

19 July 2012

Caracas, Venezuela: 19 to 22 of July 2012 - For Men and Women

The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is pleased to invite Coaches of region to join the PAHF Hockey Course at the Caracas International School, during the “Venezuelan National Championships” (Men and Women) that will be held from 19 to 22 of July 2012, at Caracas, Venezuela.


Course Information:
The Course will be carried out from July 19, 9 AM to July 22, 12 PM with delivery of participation certificates. The course includes theoretical sessions and match observation during tournament. This will be an excellent opportunity for the coaches of the Region to recycle and exchange technical information with other Regional colleagues, at a Course sanctioned by PAHF. The Course will be dictated in Spanish. Participants will be limited to 20. Also there will be place for 5 observers, at the most. The Conductors are certified PAHF Coaches: Jorgelina Rimoldi (ARG) and Philip Fernandes (GUY). 

Course Activities:

• Registration, Welcome & Introduction of the Conductors and participants.• Theoretical sessions, special presentations and contributions of the participants;
• Analysis of the matches;
• Official Closing and delivery of participation certificates and CD with Course Contents;

1- All participants will receive the complete program of the course after their final registry;

2- Aptitudes of the Participants: Coaches who will participate are expected to have fair knowledge of the game and some experience in coaching development hockey. The participants should also to be able to transfer their new know-how to other coaches in their countries so that the PAHF can be sure that the standards of Hockey Coaching through this progressive and effective learning are being reached and, the process of education improved.

3- Venue: All Matches and Classes will be held at the Caracas International School. Participants are responsible for their own transport arrangements to and from airport, as well as during their stay.

Cost for Participation:

The cost for participation in the Course will be of US$50, which includes the right to attend the course and a certificate of official participation issued by the PAHF. Proposed Hotel is the Chacao Cumberland ( Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and meals arrangements.

Room reservation and payment arrangements shall be dealt with the Venezuela Hockey Federation (FVH). Please contact Pablo Maloberti, Local Coordinator, at


Interested coaches must request participation by sending the Form of Request attached (one by each coach), completed in their totality, signed by the applicant and stamped by the National Hockey Association, by e-mail to BEFORE DEADLINE FOR INSCRIPTIONS: 10 of July of 2012.


Our Best Regards,

Laura Darling
PAHF Hockey Development Council Chair    
AND Julio F Neves
PAHF Project Coordinator

Caracas, Venezuela: 19 to 22 of July 2012 - For Men and Women 


The Pan American Hockey Federation (PAHF) is pleased to invite Coaches of region to join the PAHF Hockey Course at the Caracas International School, during the “Venezuelan National Championships” (Men and Women) that will be held from 19 to 22 of July 2012, at Caracas, Venezuela.


Course Information:

The Course will be carried out from July 19, 9 AM to July 22, 12 PM with delivery of participation certificates. The course includes theoretical sessions and match observation during tournament. This will be an excellent opportunity for the coaches of the Region to recycle and exchange technical information with other Regional colleagues, at a Course sanctioned by PAHF. The Course will be dictated in Spanish. Participants will be limited to 20. Also there will be place for 5 observers, at the most. The Conductors are certified PAHF Coaches: Jorgelina Rimoldi (ARG) and Philip Fernandes (GUY).


Course Activities:

• Registration, Welcome & Introduction of the Conductors and participants.

• Theoretical sessions, special presentations and contributions of the participants;

• Analysis of the matches;

• Official Closing and delivery of participation certificates and CD with Course Contents;


Notes:    1- All participants will receive the complete program of the course after their final registry;

                2- Aptitudes of the Participants: Coaches who will participate are expected to have fair knowledge of the game and some experience in coaching development hockey. The participants should also to be able to transfer their new know-how to other coaches in their countries so that the PAHF can be sure that the standards of Hockey Coaching through this progressive and effective learning are being reached and, the process of education improved.

3- Venue: All Matches and Classes will be held at the Caracas International School. Participants are responsible for their own transport arrangements to and from airport, as well as during their stay.


Cost for Participation:

The cost for participation in the Course will be of US$50, which includes the right to attend the course and a certificate of official participation issued by the PAHF. Proposed Hotel is the Chacao Cumberland ( Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and meals arrangements.

Room reservation and payment arrangements shall be dealt with the Venezuela Hockey Federation (FVH). Please contact Pablo Maloberti, Local Coordinator, at



Interested coaches must request participation by sending the Form of Request attached (one by each coach), completed in their totality, signed by the applicant and stamped by the National Hockey Association, by e-mail to BEFORE DEADLINE FOR INSCRIPTIONS: 10 of July of 2012.



Our Best Regards,



Laura Darling                                                             AND                Julio F Neves

PAHF Hockey Development Council Chair                                       PAHF Project Coordinator