Coaching Courses

PAHF Final Coaching Seminar

17 December 2011

PAHF Coaching Seminar in Guadalajara

The PAHF Final Seminar (PAHFFS) was conducted by Rodolfo Mendoza from Argentina, FIH Master Coach; David François from Trinidad & Tobago, FIH Coach and Shiaz Virjee from Canada, FIH Coach Grade I. The main objective of the PAHFFS was to create the PAHF Accreditation System for coaches in the Americas.

The other objectives were:

- Raise the profile of the hockey in the Americas.

- Enhance and rationalize the level of the coaches (both genders) in the Americas.

- Close the performance gap between top level playing nations -coaches- and the rest by raising the level of the coaches and the game in the Americas.

- Qualify and identify coaches with the ability to coach a wide range of players of different ages and qualities (from local to international) and consequently to raise the standard of the game and creating Hockey development programs.

- Identify coaches with ability to run Hockey Courses and to be part of the PAHF Coaching Staff for running Hockey Coaching Courses.

- Motivate and stimulate coaches to actualize and to increase their knowledge of the technical and tactical information of the modern game. 

Coaches Qualification

Two levels of qualifications were obtained after completing the PAHFFS:
a) PAHF Coach.
b) PAHF Trainer.

The following points, in addition to the individual background, were taken into account to evaluate and qualify each of the coaches.
- Individual presentation
- Question and answer after presenting.
- Experience in coaching young and international players.
- Experience in running Coaching Courses.
- Technical contribution of the presentation.
- Content and managing the time.
- Correlation of the presentation to the video and illustration presented.
- Contribution in the discussion during the whole seminar.
- Managing software and technology.
- Areas to improve.

PAHF Coaches Qualified

PAHF Coach
- Ernesto Lucero (Argentina)
- Anthony Marcano (Trinidad & Tobago)
- Philip Fernandes (Guyana)
- Jorgelina Rimoldi (Argentina)

PAHF Trainer
- Laura Delcolle (Argentina)
- Andreas Fingerhuth (Chile)
- Peter Chase (Barbados)
- Edith Ramirez (Mexico)
- Gonzalo Ferrer (Uruguay)
- Bettiana Cerreta (Uruguay)
- Veronica Planella (Canada)