To: PAHF South American Member Countries
From: Alberto "Coco" Budeisky, PAHF Competition Committee - Chair
Date: December 28, 2005
2006 South American Championships/ODESUR Games November 9-19, 2006 - Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Pan American Hockey Federation wishes to advise all participating National Associations that the 2006 South American Championships for men and women, scheduled to be held in Argentina from February 20 - 26, 2006 will no longer take place.
It has been agreed with the Confederación Argentina de Hockey that Hockey will be included in the ODESUR Games, to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 9 to 19 November 2006.
The ODESUR Games Hockey Tournament will now serve as one of the Qualifier Tournaments for the 2007 Pan American Games, in Rio de Janeiro (see separate memo).
The first and second placed countries at the ODESUR Games (so long as a minimum of four countries participates) will qualify for the 2007 Pan American Games, instead of the first and second countries at the 6th South American Championships.
Kindly note that the requirement instituted by the PAHF in 2003 to ensure early and formal commitment of tournament participation for participating National Associations to make a deposit in the amount of US$ 500.00 FOR EACH TEAM, does not apply for this tournament.
National Associations which have already paid their deposit for the 6th South American Championships have been contacted by the Hon. Treasurer regarding the refunding of their deposit.
National Associations (NA's) interested in participating in the ODESUR Games must make entry through their National Olympic Committee before the Games Organising Committee deadline.
National Associations are also asked to advise Willard P. Harris, Secretary of the PAHF Competitions Committee of their support by their National Olympic Committee of their entry, by the 15th April 2006.