South American Club Development Workshop

April 22 to 24 - Montevideo, Uruguay

What: A workshop developed by the FIH as the result of the BDO Questionnaire circulated to all FIH member countries 2 years ago. It is a program with a written notebook and a CD to assist any group to start or improve a club. The workshop is full of information and strategies designed to help everyone. The workshop will be presented in Spanish. The written materials will be in Spanish as well.

Cost: There is no charge for the course. The room and board charges will be US$ 75 for the 3 days (2 nights and full meals). Additional information will be send upon receipt of workshop application.

When: April 22nd, 23rd, 24th 2005

Where: Montevideo, Uruguay

Who: Each PAHF member country is invited to send two or more representatives, at least one under the age of 30. These individuals will be expected to return to their country and distribute the information through local workshops. It is important that all participants are capable and willing to present the material to groups.

Ana Maria de Romanelli Jorge Querejeta Course conductors: Ana Maria Vinue de Romanelli, Argentina. Ana is a member of the PAHF Development Committee and attended the first continental Club Development Workshop in Berlin this summer. There she prepared to present the same workshop to the Americas. Jorge Querejeta, FIH Continental Coordinator for the Americas, will assist Ana with the arrangements and presentation of the workshop.

For further information contact Ana Maria de Romanelli

Course Application