PAHF Development Coaching CourseLondon, Ontario, Canada - May 11-13, 2004Level: The course is designed for coaches who work with young athletes who are beyond the beginner level. Location: London, Ontario. Canada Dates: May 11, 2004, (opening session in the evening) through to May13 (closing in the evening) Course conductors: FIH Master Coach Rodolfo Mendoza, former Olympic and Women's World Cup Coach, Argentina, assisted by Sherry Doiron, Field Hockey Canada, Coaching Staff (Women's National Program). Course content: Technical aspects and their application to the game will be emphasized. There will be classroom and field sessions. (Some field sessions are scheduled for the Tournament field and others on grass fields and/or the gymnasium.) During certain Men's Pan American Cup matches observational and analytical skills with regard to technique will be emphasized. Costs: All expenses are the responsibility of the course participant. Accommodation and meals have been arranged in university residences. Reservations for Accommodation and Meals must be made by April 16th with a deposit for two nights. The deposit (by cheque or draft) must be made out to: Field Hockey Ontario/FHO "The 2nd Men's Pan Am Cup" and mailed to: 302-2197 Riverside Drive Ottawa, ON, K1H 7X3 Canada
ahead of time with the Robert Q Bus Shuttle: USA & Canada dial: 1-800-265-4948 Caribbean and South America: Reserve by e-mail: Special Feature: Equipment kits designed for the developmental programs will be given to a maximum of six course participants. Equipment recipients must not be from the same country. One recipient will be from the host country. Each potential recipient must provide a contract with his/her National Association to coach four youth programs in his/her country within 12 months of the end of the course. The contract and coaching plan must accompany the course application. The selection of recipients will be based on the potential to start new hockey programs with young players, and also the ability of coaches currently involved with developmental programs. Personal Equipment: Clothes for field and indoor participation including shoes and stick and materials to take notes in classroom sessions. Course Application: Please submit application and contract form to Bev Johnson. | ||||||||||||||
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